- Archaeoastronomers have greatly expanded their search for such ancient sites. 考古天文学家们广泛开展了对这类古代遗址的探索。
- Gradually the archaeologists made the ancient site give up its secrets. 考古学家们逐渐使古遗址失去了神秘感。
- As a nation with long history, Italy has many ancient sites such as Colosseum,Leaning Tower of Pisa,Pompeii, and so on. 意大利历史悠久,有许多古代遗迹,象古罗马竞技场、比萨斜塔、庞贝古城等等。
- Among the other ancient sites that were used were the Caracalla Baths and the Arch of Constantine . 该届奥运会利用的其他古迹还有卡拉卡拉大浴场(体操比赛)以及君士坦丁凯旋门(马拉松比赛的终点)。
- Among the other ancient sites that were used were the Caracalla Baths (gymnastics) and the Arch of Constantine (finish of the marathon). 该届奥运会利用的其他古迹还有卡拉卡拉大浴场(体操比赛)以及君士坦丁凯旋门(马拉松比赛的终点)。
- But he said archaeologists were struggling to keep up with looters, who often ransack ancient sites before the experts can get to them. 但是他说考古学家在和掠夺者们展开一场较量。在专家们能对古址进行发掘之前往往会被盗墓者的洗劫。
- At this time, a group of German scholars undertook the excavation and research of the ancient site of Olympia. 当时,德国的一批学者对古代奥林匹亚遗址进行了发掘和研究。
- Across war-shattered Afghanistan, scavengers, looters, and thieves are pillaging antiquities from more than 1,500 ancient sites around the country and smuggling them abroad. 在饱受战争摧残的阿富汗,拾荒者、掠夺者以及小偷从其国家境内超过1,500个古代遗址中掠夺了大量的文物并将它们走私出境。
- Machu Picchu (meaning Old Peak in the Quechua language) is one of the most beautiful and enigmatic ancient sites in the world.It was built between 1460 and 1470 AD. 1983年被认定为世界遗产,被称为“空中城市”的马丘比丘位于秘鲁南部安第斯山脉的尾部,海拔2430米处,是南美最大的印加帝国遗址。
- At this time,a group of German scholars undertook the excavation and research of the ancient site of Olympia. 当时,德国的一批学者对古代奥林匹亚遗址进行了发掘和研究。
- If you visit Delphi today, you will have to use your imagination, or a guidebook, to reconstruct the ancient site. 今天,如果你参观德尔斐古迹,你一定要发挥你的想像力,或阅读旅游指南,重建这一古迹。
- However, the hotel - which overlooks the ancient site of Olympia - had been full of radio and TV reporters covering the fires. 然而;可以俯瞰奥林匹亚古迹的饭店;早已住满了前来报导火灾的广播与电视台记者.
- Hundreds of police will be on duty at the ancient site, while helicopters, metal detectors and sniffer dogs will help the level of security. 数百名警察将在古奥运会遗址严阵以待;直升飞机、金属探测器和警犬也将被用来加强圣火点燃仪式的安全保卫工作。
- Zunyi in Guizhou in 1940 to carry out geological work, etc., finish drawing the ancient site of China's first geological map. 1940年在贵州遵义等地开展地质工作,绘制完成我国第一幅古地质图。
- Hundreds of police will be on duty at the ancient site, while helicopters, metal detectors and sniffer dogs will help boost the level of security. 数百名警察将在古奥运会遗址严阵以待;直升飞机、金属探测器和警犬也将被用来加强圣火点燃仪式的安全保卫工作。
- In this paper, the ancient site of Han Chang'an City attributes to be the National Relic Protection Unit, at the same time the archaeology protection research is being carried on. 本文研究的汉长安城遗址属于国家级文物保护单位并且考古保护研究工作一直在进行中。
- Though the ancient site fell into disuse after the 16th century, it is still known as Tadmor and there is a small newer settlement next to the ruins of the same name. 尽管这一古城在16世纪之后不复使用,但人们仍然记得泰德穆尔,在紧邻遗址的地方,有一个新的居住地同样采用了这个名字。
- This ancient site was created by the blue dragonflight, and many adventurers attribute the increased activity here to the reemergence of the blue Dragon Aspect, Malygos. 这个古迹是由蓝龙创造的,许多冒险者都将这种猛增的活动归结于蓝龙领主,玛里苟斯的再度出现。
- Last August, the Greek Peloponnese peninsula large forest fires, the fire had been close to the ancient site of Olympia, Olympia burned around the site of some of the vegetation. 去年8月,希腊伯罗奔尼撒半岛发生特大森林火灾,大火曾逼近古奥林匹亚遗址,烧毁了奥林匹亚遗址周围的部分植被。
- To many, the most important ancient site in the Western world is the Acropolis, rising gleaming like a beacon above the gray concrete drudgery of modern Athens. 相对西方世界很多古城遗址来说,最重要的古城遗址是卫城,它象一盏闪闪发光的灯塔悬挂在现代化雅典灰色混凝土苦工之上。