- She has fall asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡着了,腿上还摊开着一本书。
- She had fallen asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡著了,腿上还摊开著一本书。
- The young girl's face is an open book. 这个女孩心里有什么事都表现在脸上。
- To create a mythology, you have to be an open book. 要创造神话,你必须成为一个博学多闻的人。
- A rack for supporting an open book. 看书架一种供放置摊开的书的架子
- We have no secrets, he is like an open book to me. 我们之间没有秘密,他是个率真的人。
- She have fall asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡著了,腿上还摊开着一本书。
- I have no secrets; my life is an open book. 我没有什么秘密, 我的生活是尽人皆知的事情。
- I saw an open book on the table. 我看见在桌子上书是打开的。
- There is an open book on the desk. 意为“开着的;广阔的;营业的;敞开的”
- My life is an open book, just look for yourself. 我妻子是一个直爽的人,请随意吧。
- She has fallen asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡著了,腿上还摊开着一本书。
- Oh, I see. Eh, the platform over there seems to be an open book. 原来是这样的呀。哎,我看那边平台好像是一本翻开的书啊。
- We are an open book to the whole universe, so be careful. 对整个宇宙而言,我们像是一本翻开的书,所以要小心。
- There is a portrait of Mary Wollstonecraft in the 1790s holding an open book. 有一副1790年代玛丽-/的画像,她手中拿了一本打开的书。
- It resembles an open book with two thick pages divided by a metal string; buttons along the edges allow for page-turning, bookmarks, and searching. 它看起来像一本打开的书,厚厚的两页,由金属线隔开,边上还留有按钮,可以用来翻页,做书签以及查询。
- Jesus dealt him no sharp rebuke for his covetousness, but with divine patience bore with this erring man, even while giving him evidence that He read his heart as an open book. 耶稣没有因犹大的贪心而严厉地责备他。只是让他晓得,主对他的内心了如指掌,却仍以上帝的忍耐对待这个犯错误的人。为了帮助他走上正路,主提出最有力的理由,鼓励他行义。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- Their love affair is an open secret. 他们的风流韵事是公开的秘密。
- He has an open mind in this matter. 他在这个问题上虚怀若谷。