- To act as an intermediary;mediate. 调解充当调解人;调解
- To act as an intermediary; mediate. 调解充当调解人;调解
- He is an intermediary on a real estate deal. 他是做恒产交易的中介人。
- He refused to act as an intermediary between the two director. 他拒绝充当这两个董事之间的调解人。
- One who acts as an intermediary or messenger between two sides. 中间人,媒介在双方间担任中间人或信使的人
- They disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary. 他们彼此交恶不愿相见,有事均通过中间人处理。
- An intermediary stage 中间阶段
- All talks have so far been conducted through an intermediary. 到目前为止所有的谈判都是通过调停人进行的。
- He acted as an intermediary betwwen the seller and the customer. 他是卖主和顾客之间的中介。
- They were approached indirectly through an intermediary. 通过一位中间人,他们进行了间接接触。
- Investors funds vital link to the chain of mortgage cut off and become an intermediary underwritten illicit channels expelled from the stage of history. 投资者资金链中至关重要的环节转按揭被切断,中介垫资成为非法渠道被赶出了历史舞台。
- The stock market will suffer an intermediary step how to deal with the market? 楼市将会步股市后尘中介市场该如何应对?
- Thus, absurdism serves as an intermediary between tragedy and comedy. 由此,荒诞是悲剧与喜剧的中介;
- An intermediary such as an outside research agency brings headquarters and country operations together. 像外部调查代理处带来的总部和国家一起的媒介物。
- A program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer hardware. 在计算机用户和计算机硬件之间起媒介作用的一种程序。
- They dislike each other too much to meet,so they conduct all their business through an intermediary. 他们彼此交恶不愿相见,有事均通过中间人处理。
- Component acts as an intermediary that provides binding and currency management services. 组件作为一个媒介提供绑定和货币管理服务。
- See the links below for information about connecting your computers or using an intermediary storage location. 有关连接电脑或使用中间存储位置的信息,请点按下面的链接。
- When formulates the standards, the enterprise may consult an intermediary organ or related experts. 企业在制订计提标准时可以征询中介机构、有关专家的意见。
- Generally, none of these consoles can boot Linux directly, so the assistance of an intermediary bootloader is required. 一般来说,这些控制台都不能直接引导Linux,因此需要一个中间引导装载程序。