- It's an instantly recognizable face. 那是我一眼就能认得出的面孔。
- An instantly recognizable face 一眼就可以认得出来的面孔
- Her voice is instantly recognizable. 她的声音一下子就听出来了。
- After so many years she was still instantly recognizable. 过了这么多年,还是一眼就能认出她。
- He was a Rabelaisian figure in the Senate and in life, instantly recognizable by his shock of white hair, his florid, oversize face, his booming Boston brogue, his powerful but pained stride. 他是一个拉伯雷式的人物,无论是在参议院还是在生活中都是如此。他那浓密的白发、红润的大脸、洪亮的波士顿口音、有力但艰难的走路姿势,让人一眼就能认出来。
- The 1931 “Monza” is instantly recognizable with its narrow two-seat bodywork and radiators with aerodynamic cowlings. 1931年“蒙扎”窄小双座椅的内部装潢及备有流线型罩的散热器独树一帜,让人一眼就认出来。
- The striking red “F” and Foster's blue and gold are instantly recognizable by beer drinkers worldwide. 啤酒爱好者已经对富仕达红色的“F”、蓝色的背景色和金色的镶边非常熟悉。
- The bottom line is that even if your credit history is not so good, you can obtain an instantly approved credit card. 底线是,即使你的信用历史不是那么好,你可以即时获得批准信用卡。
- Costner's voice is instantly recognizable on the phone-a soft, slow Californian drawl as reassuring as a family doctor making a house call. 科斯特纳的声音从话筒里可以立刻辨认出来。他的声音柔和、缓慢,带有加利福尼亚口音,好象家庭医生上门看病人时的宽慰声音。
- Costner's voice is instantly recognizable on the phone-a soft, slow Californian drawl as reassuring as a family doctor making a house call . 科斯特纳的声音从话筒里可以立刻辨认出来。他的声音柔和、缓慢,带有加利福尼亚口音,好象家庭医生上门看病人时的宽慰声音。
- The instantly recognizable orchestral piece came about after Matt Groening gave Danny Elfman a cassette tape of songs similar to the theme he wanted. 在葛洛恩尼把一磁带与他想要的主题相似的歌给了地狱男爵后,让人一下就可以辨认出的管弦乐曲就得以产生了。
- KASTEN: We are truly building the latest of Washington's monuments, a building that will be instantly recognizable as the premier baseball venue in the country. 卡斯滕:我们实际是在建造华盛顿最新的地标式建筑,一座不容错辨的国家第一棒球场。
- His whispery, high-pitched speaking voice was constantly imitated, his fedora hat on his lean frame instantly recognizable, his childlike image endearing. 不管他低声说话,还是高声喊叫,人们都在不断地模仿他的声音。他倾斜镜框上面的礼帽不停地被人记起,他天真的形象讨人喜欢。
- Built upon the underpinnings of the Mercedes-Benz M-class, the unibody 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee wears cleaner sheetmetal that is still instantly recognizable for what it is. 建立在基础奔驰M级,2011年的unibody吉普大切诺基穿清洁钣金仍然立刻辨认的是什么。
- Mary instantly recognized the movie star bstanding xn the elevator. 玛丽马上就认出了站在电梯里的电影明星。
- The golden arches of McDonalds, the three diamonds of Mitsubishi, the five interlocking rings of the Olympics, even Microsoft’s flying window are nonmetaphoric idioms that are instantly recognizable and imbued with common meaning. 麦当劳的金色拱门、三菱公司的3个菱形、奥林匹克的五环,乃至微软的飞行窗口都是非隐喻性习惯用法,它们被赋予了一般的含义,能立即被我们认出。
- An expression of pain flitted across her face. 她脸上闪过一种痛苦的表情。
- There is an air of abstraction in her face. 她脸上带着一种心不在焉的神态。
- There was an expression of discontent on her face. 她脸上有不满的表情。
- Taken by Steve McCurry in the eighties, This 12 year old girl became one of the most recognizable faces in the world without her even knowing it. 这名12岁女孩已成为世界最被人熟知的几张脸之一即使她自己并不知道。