- An exposed piece in backgammon. 十五子棋中易被吃掉的孤立棋子
- To defeat in backgammon by scoring a gammon. 在十五子棋中全胜对方
- Did you read her piece in today's paper? 你看过今天报纸上她那篇文章吗?
- To defeat in backgammon by scoringa gammon. 在十五子棋中全胜对方。
- Did you see the piece in the newspaper about Mrs Smith's accident? 你看过报纸上关于史密斯太太出了事故的报道吗?
- Figure 6. Using an exposed domain model. 技术。图表6中显示了表示层自由的访问对象域的设计图。
- The outer shell is an exposed brickwork within a concrete frame. 建筑的外壳是一个混凝土框架用清水砖墙填充。
- A short piece in a newspaper or magazine. 短文报纸或杂志的一小段
- To make(a piece in checkers) into a king; crown. 成为国王把(一只棋子)变成国王;成为国王
- There was a bad five fen piece in with the change. 找的钱里有一枚五分钱的假硬币。
- The newspaper published an expose of the film star's past life. 报纸发表了该影星的逸闻。
- Among all the merchandise, I was interested in the cotton piece in particular. 在所有商品中,我对棉布特别感兴趣。
- A victory in backgammon reached before the loser has succeeded in removing a single piece. 全胜在西洋十五子棋戏中对方一个棋子还没赢之前获胜
- To change the position of a piece in a board game. 在棋类游戏中换一个棋子的位置。
- The house was built all of a piece in 1754. 整所房子是在1754年建造完成的。
- When they put a piece in correctly, that's right. 当他们把一块放正确了,就会发声。
- The behaviour of an exposed and processed emulsion is very sensitive to a number of factors. 曝光和冲洗后的乳胶性能对许多因素非常敏感。
- Tai is a very well known prose piece in China. 著有《九经说》、《惜抱轩文集》等,其《登泰山记》是我国的散文名篇。
- Undress her slowly, appreciating every newly exposed piece of flesh.Kiss her elbows.Touch her breasts. 慢慢地脱掉她的衣服,享受她的每一寸肌肤带来的兴奋。
- The 4 cent piece in the lot 4162 is chop cancelled. 第4162号拍品中4分邮票为盖销票。