- Amygdaloidal Andesiten. 杏仁状安山岩(岩浆岩)
- Top gray from andesite composition. 顶端灰白色,由安山岩组成。
- The REE distribution pattern of the Xihu lake is similar to that of andesite. 西湖沉积物稀土分布模式与安山岩相似。
- Very limited information has been reported concerning andesite weathering. 摘要迄今对安山岩之风化过程研究资料之报导仍有限。
- The functional significance of the amygdaloid ef feet was discussed. 该文对杏仁复合体影响的意义作了讨论。
- The pyroclastic rock fragments comprise quartzite, schist, gneiss, basalt, andesite, rhyolite and quartz. 火成岩的碎块成分主要为石英岩、岩、麻岩、武岩、山岩和流纹岩.
- Parental magmas are somilar, in composition, to that of high-Al basalt and( or) basaltic andesite. 原始岩浆的成分类似于高铝玄武岩和()武质安山岩。
- To study amygdaloid body, hippocampal formation and lateral ventricle in thin cross section of brain to provide the anatomy knowledge for clinic. 观察杏仁体、侧脑室和海马结构在脑的薄层横断面上的表现及变化,为影像学提供解剖学依据。
- The effect of growth fracture of Abei Andesite reservoir on oilfield development. 阿北安山岩油藏裂缝发育特征对开发的影响。
- Effect Induced by Electric Stimulation to Amygdaloid Complex in Cats on Plasma Cortisol Concentration. 电刺激猫杏仁复合体对血浆皮质醇浓度的影响
- Geochemical properties of the variolitic andesite from Susong in the Dabie orogenic belt, China. 大别造山带宿松球颗结构安山岩的地球化学特征。
- Amygdaloid body is superior to the anterior end of inferior horn of lateral ventricle. 杏仁体位于侧脑室下脚前端的上方......
- Important Stone Material in Taiwan : Basalt, Andesite, Taiwan Jade, Argillite, Metabasite, Sandstone, Slate, Schist. 台湾地区重要石材分布图:玄武岩、安山岩、台湾玉、硬页岩、变质基性岩、砂岩、板岩、片岩。
- Results From the up end to the low end of the amygdaloid body, we obtained 72 clear digital photographs. 结果从杏仁体出现到消失,共获得72张高清晰数码照片。
- The extrusive rock unit includes basalt, andesite, boninite and albitite as well as breccia and tuff. 喷出岩单元不仅仅由玄武岩组成,还包括安山岩、玻安岩、钠长岩以及角砾岩、凝灰岩等。
- Results From the up end to the low end of the amygdaloid body,we obtained 72 clear digital photographs. 结果从杏仁体出现到消失,共获得72张高清晰数码照片。
- Jurassic volcanic rocks in Yingshan fault depression are mainly andesite, basalt, dacite, volcanic breccia and tuff. 莺山断陷侏罗系火山岩主要为安山岩、玄武岩、英安岩、火山角砾岩及凝灰岩。
- Mainly is basalt and tuff, secondly become for the alteration basalt and andesite. 主要为玄武岩和凝灰岩,其次为蚀变玄武岩和安山岩。
- But Iceland has various kinds of volcanoes, many of which produce more evolved lavas such as rhyolite and andesite. 但是冰岛有各种各样的火山,其中很多生产更逐步形成的象流纹岩和安山石那样的熔岩。
- Objective To study amygdaloid body, hippocampal formation and lateral ventricle in thin cross section of brain to provide the anatomy knowledge for clinic. 摘要目的观察杏仁体、侧脑室和海马结构在脑的薄层横断面上的表现及变化,为影像学提供解剖学依据。