- She had her leg amputated below the knee. 她的一条腿自膝盖以下被截掉了。
- Below knee, how is the sound that often has creak creak to return a responsibility? 膝盖下,老有咯吱咯吱的响声是怎么回事?
- The patient's left leg had been amputated Below the knee during the First World War, following pneumonia in 1936 he had suffered from recurrent attacks of winter Bronchitis. 在第一次世界大战时,病人的左腿曾在膝盖下做过截肢手术。自1936年患肺炎后,冬季反复发作支气管炎。
- A climber who was "seconds from death" after being crushed in last night's Ruapehu eruption has had his right leg amputated below the knee but has had a "miracle" recovery. 仅有一名登山者受伤严重,膝盖以下被截肢,但活下来已经算是很幸运了。
- Fitting of prosthesis below knee 膝下假体试装
- Application of short leg cast below knee to toes 短腿石膏管型应用膝下至足趾
- below knee amputation 膝下截肢, 小腿截肢
- Amputation of leg below knee 小腿膝下切断术
- The study also found that people in the fenofibrate group had a 47 percent lower risk of amputations below the ankle and without large-vessel disease in the amputated limb. 研究还发现非诺贝特组踝以下截肢风险降低47%25,所截肢内其无大血管病变。
- Skirts must be below (ie long enough to cover) the knee. 裙子要长过膝盖以下。
- Full breeches gathered and banded just below the knee. 灯笼裤在膝盖下部收拢扎紧的宽松裤。
- A bit of embrocation will soothe your bruised knee. 用一点搽剂可使你那青肿的膝部消肿。
- A prosthesis was fitted after the amputation. 截肢之後安装了义肢。
- The malformation of his knee is caused by a fall. 他膝盖的畸形是由摔了一跤造成的。
- The book slides from my knee down. 书从我的膝上滑掉下去了。
- The shock make me go all weak at the knee. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- He had a bruise just below his left eye. 他有个伤疤正好在他左眼的下侧。
- The mercury dived to ten below zero. 温度突然下降到零下10度。
- She hit her knee against the angle of the bed. 她的膝盖撞到床角上了。
- The boy fell and scraped the skin off this knee. 那男孩跌倒,擦破了膝盖的皮。