- Amphipyra lividan. 紫黑杂夜蛾
- Sequences Analysis of Sox Gene and Dmrt Gene of Rana livida[J]. 引用该论文 陈启龙;马文丽;郑文岭;姚文娟;聂刘旺.
- Amphipyra monolithan. 大红裙杂夜蛾
- Amphipyra pyramidean. 果红裙杂夜蛾
- Pseudovadonia lividan. 黄翅伪滨花天牛
- asphyxia livida 青紫色窒息
- Amphipyra tripartitan. 匀杂夜蛾
- Amphipyra erebinan. 暗杂夜蛾
- Corydalis lividan. 红花紫堇
- Rana livida 大绿蛙
- Amphipyra perfluan. 蔷薇杂夜蛾
- Amphipyra sergein. 丝杂夜蛾
- Odorrana livida 大绿臭蛙
- Amphipyra cancellatan. 阴杂夜蛾
- Amphipyra alpherakiin. 宁杂夜蛾
- Amphipyra schrenkiin. 桦杂夜蛾
- Amphipyra subriguan. 潮杂夜蛾
- Amphipyra acheronn. 流杂夜蛾
- Amphipyra charonn. 冥杂夜蛾
- Amphipyran. 杂夜蛾属