- American troops formed the spearhead of the attack. 美军是这次进攻的先头部队。
- After American troops leave Kirkuk could turn violently messy. 美军离开后,基尔库克可能陷入暴力的泥潭。
- About fifty thousand American troops are abased in Japan. 日本是美国的主要贸易伙伴和安全盟国。
- I am announcing today additional American troops deployments to Afghanistan. 我今天宣布美国对阿富汗派遣增援部队。
- The American troops were in a convoy that was hit by a roadside bomb. 美军部队在一个车队中遭遇了路边炸弹袭击。
- American troops stationed in Nicaragua were sustaining a minority government in that country. 驻扎在尼加拉瓜的美军维护该国的一个少数派政府。
- If the opposing army had not been British men but rather a horde of charging chimpanzees, the American troops would have been summarily overrun. 如果当时这支美国军队对抗的不是英军,而是一群黑猩猩,那么他们一定会立刻被打败。
- "Buchenwald is one example of these horrible concentration camps liberated by American troops," said Mrs. Merkel. 德国总理通过翻译说,奥巴马决定到布痕瓦尔德来,使她很感动。
- President Bush was in Latvia today where he told an audience that American troops will be staying in Iraq until the mission is complete. 布什总统今在拉脱维亚演说时告诉一位听众称美国部队会一直留驻伊拉克直到完成他们的任务。
- American troops are still on the banks of the Rhine, along the DMZ in Korea and in Okinawa. 如果发展它的经济束缚,平静的适度的,同时慢慢的增加它的影响,以慢慢消耗美国的耐心和耐力怎么办?
- Vietnam was definitively lost to the Vietcong, and the last American troops had no option but to leave. 很明显,在那场越南战争中,美国输给了越南共产党,驻越的作战部队走投无路,只能“卷起铺盖”回家。
- Mr.Chavez also said American troops should leave Iraq, and that Iran has a right to nuclear technology. 查威斯还说美国军队应该撤离伊拉克,而伊朗有权发展核技术。
- Images of British and American troops mowing down Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan have alienated many. 英国和美国的军队在伊拉克和阿富汗剿灭穆斯林的照片,已经疏远了生活在英国的穆斯林。
- He argues that extra American troops will only antagonise the Afghans and give the Taliban a recruiting tool. 他表示,增兵只会使阿富汗人更反感美国,并且给塔利班招募成员提供借口。
- One of the most moving came this week in Seoul, when I spoke to American troops at the Yongsan Garrison. 最感动的瞬间之一来自首尔,当我告诉在美军龙山军事基地的美军。
- The latest leaked draft would “aspire” to have American troops leaving Iraq by the end of 2011. 根据最新透漏的拟案,伊拉克可能会希望美国军队驻扎到2011年底。
- But the United States says deals governing the 47,000 American troops in Japan are not up for the renegotiation. 但是美国表示在日本调节交易的4.;7万的美国军队不支持重新谈判。
- But the United States says deals governing the 47,000 American troops in Japan are not up for renegotiation. 但美国方面称,管理驻日4.;7万名美国军队的协议不会重新进行商榷。
- Chavez also said American troops should leaveIraq, and thatIran has a right to nuclear technology. 同时,他还说,美国应该离开伊拉克,伊朗有权发展核技术。
- So the American troops feasted, drank, whored and made merry, as many soldiers do wherever they are in the world. 所以,美国部队就在这里尽情的饮酒作乐、嫖妓,甚至结婚,就跟像大多数的士兵一样。