- The RTC cost American taxpayers about $150 billion. 这个机构花费了美国纳税人大约1500亿美元。
- "Basically, American taxpayers cannot afford another four years of George W.Bush," Altman said. “从根本上看,美国纳税人不能为布什再买四年单。”
- American taxpayers may be relieved to know that the Pentagon has tightened its payment procedures in response to the sisters' scam. 得知五角大楼已经吸取教训,加紧了对支付程序的控制后,美国的纳税人可能会松口气。
- "The blank check written by the American taxpayers to the government of Iraq must stop," said Senator Evan Bayh, an Indiana Democrat. 来自印第安纳州的民主党参议员贝赫的言词则更为直截了当。他说:“美国纳税人开空白支票给伊拉克政府的情况必须结束。”
- The president is doing long-distance lobbying on this Africa trip by urging American taxpayers to encourage Congress to double AIDS funding. 布什总统在他这次非洲之行中进行远程游说,敦促美国纳税人鼓励国会将艾滋病防治资金增加一倍。
- "Only then can we ask American taxpayers who have already put up so much of their hard-earned money to once more invest in a revitalized auto industry," he said. 受此前油价高企,以及随之而来的金融危机、经济衰退等多重因素冲击,美国汽车业陷入困境,通用和克莱斯勒更是处于破产边缘。
- With the government now fully guaranteeing Fannie’s and Freddie’s debts, American taxpayers will have to pay for everything not covered by their creditors’ inadequate capital. 但随着政府目前完全担保房利美和房地美所欠下的债务,其债权人有限的资金无法足额支付的部分将不得不由美国的纳税人来买单。
- This increase was lobbied by the very investment banks bailed out by the recent panic legislation that will cost American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. 其中的一些大型投资银行已经在最近的金融危机中倒闭,美国纳税人为此支付了上千亿美元。
- I call on the Senate to show a bipartisan commitment to fiscal discipline by passing the line-item veto so we can work together to cut wasteful spending, reduce the deficit, and save money for American taxpayers. 我呼吁参议院也能出现这种两党联合的情况,来保证国库支出的正规,并让我们一起精简那些无意义的支出,降低赤字,节省美国纳税人的钱。
- The financial and performance data presented in this report are complete and reliable, providing timely and useful information on Department of Justice accomplishments to the American taxpayers. 这份报告中所披露的财务与绩效数据是完整、可靠的,它为美国纳税人提供的是及时的、有用的有关司法部的信息。
- The biggest bets that American taxpayers have made are on three less famous firms: American International Group (AIG), an insurer, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two mortgage-finance agencies. 美国的纳税人实际上把最大的赌注都押在了三个名声稍小的公司身上:美国国际集团(一家保险公司)、房利美和房地美(两家抵押融资公司)。
- JUST how concerned should American taxpayers be about American International Group (AIG), the insurance company brought to its knees by its escapades in the credit-derivatives market? 由于在信贷衍生产品市场中盲目行事,美国国际集团保险公司AIG到了举步为艰地步,美国纳税人究竟要为它担多少忧?
- The Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the plan would cost the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars. 美国财政部部长亨利.;鲍尔森说这个计划将会使纳税人失去几千亿美元。
- As you know, business unit sales like this are crucial to A.I.G.’s effort to repay the American taxpayer. 您知道,转让交易对为公司能够偿还美国纳税人钱起到了关键作用。
- Produce and use of MOX fuel make the imposition of American taxpayer pay possibly still far outclass the imposition solidify of the plutonium in trash. MOX燃料的生产和使用还可能使美国纳税人缴纳的税款远远高于将废物中钚固化的税款。
- This strikes many people outside 85 Broad Street as piggish and unfair, since the American taxpayer helped rescue the system from which Goldman is now benefiting. 这让布罗德大街(BroadStreet)85号(高盛总部所在地,译者注)外的许多人感受到了高盛的贪婪和世道的不公,因为帮助金融体系纾困的是美国纳税人,现在受益的却是高盛。
- Bill Gates is an American citizen. 比尔·盖茨是美国公民。
- He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。
- The American market turned roundsharply a week ago. 美国证券市场於一周前急遽反转。
- The Nestor or American philosophy. 美国哲学界中的耆宿。