- He embodied the American spirit of optimistic materialism. 他具体表现了美国人乐观的物质主义精神。
- A lively sense of looking ahead was a part of the American spirit from the beginning. 充满活力的瞻望前途,从开始就是美国精神的一部分。
- "Let us remember the tragedy but also let us remember the triumph of the American spirit," said Arnold Schwarzenegger. 他说:"我们不但要记住这个悲剧,而且我们不能忘记美国精神所取得过的胜利。
- The American spirit has been bruised and the land has alize just how fragile and vulnerable their country is. 美国心灵遇到了挫折,这片土地遭受了创伤。这个伟大的国家的人民现在才认识到他们的国家是多么脆弱和容易受到攻击。
- In 2008, we have a unique opportunity to transform our nation and change this world, by rekindling the American spirit and ideals. 在 2008 年,我们迎来了一个重燃真正的美国精神和美国理想、从而改变美国以及改变这个世界的绝佳机会。
- Puritanism influences "American Spirit" in many aspects: the sense of being missioned, sense of democracy, American work ethic, pioneer spirit and valuing of education. 摘要清教思想对美国精神有多方面的影响:如领导者意识、民主意识、敬业精神、开拓精神以及重视教育。
- It is the insistence, as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in, and parts of, the United States-a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer. 它首先考虑到,美国的所有因素和组成部分是唇齿相依的--这正是对古老但永远重要的美国拓荒者精神的肯定。
- It is the insistence, as a first consideration upon the inter-dependence of the various elements in all parts of the United States of America - a recognition of the old and the permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer. 我首先考虑的是坚持美国这一整体中各部分的相互依赖性--这是对美国式的开拓精神的古老而永恒的证明的体现。
- Cupid in the East and American spirit 东方的爱神与美神
- Bill Gates is an American citizen. 比尔·盖茨是美国公民。
- He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。
- The American market turned roundsharply a week ago. 美国证券市场於一周前急遽反转。
- The Nestor or American philosophy. 美国哲学界中的耆宿。
- American girls are often very pretty. 美国女孩多很漂亮。
- Many American are couch potatoes these days. 现在许多美国人都是电视迷。
- American civilization differs from ours. 美国的社会和生活方式和我们的不同。
- American people use the word "fall" to mean autumn. 美国人用"fall"这个字来表示秋天。
- He is an American of French ancestry. 他是法国血统的美国人。
- The theory was advanced by an American professor. 该理论系一位美国教授提出的。
- He is well read in American history. 他通晓美国历史。