- Fellow of the American Institute of Hypnosis 美国催眠学会会员
- American Institute of Hypnosis 美国催眠学会
- The partnership received the 1968 Architectural Firm Award of The American Institute of Architects. 这个合股机构在1968年获得由美国建筑研究院颁发的建筑公司奖。
- The updated plans were discussed at a conference of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics on Thursday in Long Beach, Calif. 美国航空航天协会于本周四在加利福尼亚的长滩(城市名)召开会议讨论了这次最新的计划。
- Toward that end, they arranged for Tesla to lecture before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in May 1888. 于是,1888年5月,他们安排特士拉到美国电机工程师学会演讲。
- AISC ,“ Manual of Steel Construction , LRFD ”, American Institute of Steel Construction , 1986. 营建杂志社,”钢构造建筑物钢结构设计技术规范-(二)钢结构极限设计法规范及解说”,1999
- Davidoff Paul.Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning[J].Journal of the American Institute of Planning,1965. 黄亚平;陈静.;远近现代城市规划中的社会思想研究[J]
- I work for the American Institute of Physics (AIP), a not-for-profit publisher of scientific research journals. 我来自美国物理联合会(简称AIP); 一家非赢利性的科学研究期刊出版社.
- The American Institute of Philanthropy rates it among the top American groups for international relief and development work. 美国慈善机构支持率覆盖了美国信仰和发展的顶级组织。
- In the United States, the certification examinations are prepared and administrated by the American institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). 在美国,这种考试由美国注册会计师协会负责和实施。
- SAS 70.An internationally recognized auditing standard developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). 第70号审计标准声明是一项由美国会计师协会制订起来国际公认的审计准则。
- To put into a state of hypnosis. 使进入睡眠状态
- The American Association of Physics Teachers and the American Institute of Physics choose members of the United States team. 美国物理老师交流协会和美国物理学会负责选择美国队的参赛人员。
- William H, David T, Daniel H. Hypersonic airbreathing propulsion. Washington, D. C.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. , 1994. 乐嘉林;刘陵.;高超声速飞行器的碳氢燃料双模态超燃冲压方案研究;推进技术;1998(1
- SO WHAT ARE the medical benefits of hypnosis? 那麽,催眠在医学上有什麽价值?
- Manual of Steel Construction (LRFD); American Institute of Steel Construction; AISC: Volume I, Structural Members, Specifications &Codes; Volume II, Connections. 钢结构设计手册(容许应力法);中华民国结构工程学会;科技图书。
- The specific controls to be established are discussed in the Quality Control Standards series of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA). 建立的具体控制在美国注册公众会计师协会的质量控制标准系列中被讨论。
- Miguel C. Junger and David Feit, Sound, Structures, and Their Interaction, Published by the Acoustical of America through the American Institute of Physics, 1986. 林咏钦,“利用边界元素法求解三维赫姆霍兹方程式在波传问题之应用”,国立台湾大学土木工程研究所硕士论文,2001。
- The use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalytic techniques. 催眠分析和心理分析技巧相结合的催眠术的使用
- He is also the director of the Environment and Safety Technology Center (ESTC) of the CUP and a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). 美国化学工程师协会(AIche)会员,多年来一直在中国石油大学(华东)从事安全系统工程和过程安全的科研和教学工作。