- American Forces Press Service 美军新闻局
- Armed Forces Press Service 武装部队新闻处
- The American forces suffered heavy casualties on this beachhead. 美军在奥马哈海滩伤亡惨重!
- As you have real, he commanded American forces at New Orleans. 因为你有真正,他命令了美国部队在新奥尔良。
- The British and American forces were just to carry out landings on Normandy. 英美军队准备实施诺曼底登陆。
- American forces won the Revolutionary War Battle of Bennington, Vermont. 年,美军在佛蒙特州本宁顿赢了美国革命之战!
- Why were American forces doing Boutros-Ghali’s and Admiral Howe's bidding? 为什么美国军队要听命于布特罗斯-加利和海军上将豪?
- Joe: May I say, speaking for my own press service, we believe that your Highness' faith will not be unjustified. 并不是说:相恋、爱,就一定要相处。爱情不以占有为目的。
- American Red Cro almost became part of American forces in world War I . 美国红十字会在第一次世界大战中,几乎成为美国部队的一部分。
- Use a force press part on datums surface is necessary. 4产品在面定位处须用外力夹紧。
- That makes 2007 already the deadliest year of Iraq war for American forces. 这使2007年成为美国军队在伊拉克死伤最为严重的一年。
- JOE: May I say, speaking for my own press service, we believe that Your Highness's faith will not be unjustified. 请允许我,代表我的新闻社,我们相信公主的信心是不会判断失误的。
- World War II: American forces defeat the last Japanese troops on Guam. 1944年的今天,二次世界大战中,美国军队击溃了在关岛的最后的一批日本兵。
- Joe: May I say, speaking for my own press service, we believe that your Highness'faith will not be unjustified. 乔:我可以代表我的新闻社说一句话,我们相信公主的判断是不会错的。
- JOE: May I say speaking for my own press service,we believe that Your Highness's faith will not be unjustified. 请允许我,代表我的新闻社,我们相信公主的信心是不会判断失误的。
- Here you can get a integral press service, like photographing, design, plate making, press, binding and so on. 此话通变,创造、艺术、设计,或则其他什么你能想到的大凡不过如此。
- Polish patriot and general who aided American forces in the Revolutionary War, commanding the defense of Charleston(1779) and leading a cavalry brigade in the siege of Savannah, during which he was mortally wounded. 普瓦斯基,卡齐米尔1747-1779波兰爱国主义者和将军,在美国独立战争中曾支持美军,指挥了查理斯顿防御战(1779年)并在萨瓦纳之围时率领一个骑兵旅,在这场战斗中受重伤而牺牲
- Stora Enso Packaging, part of the Swedish-Finnish timber and paper products company Stora Enso, has opened a fourth plant in Russia, according to the local press service. 斯道拉恩索包装的一部分,瑞典,芬兰的木材和纸制品公司斯道拉恩索公司,开辟了第四座在俄罗斯,根据当地的新闻服务。
- World War II (January 1944); American forces landed and captured a Japanese air base. 二战中(1944年1月)美国军队一次登陆,夺取一个日军空军基地。
- The island was occupied by the Japanese and later recaptured by American forces. 岛屿被日军占领后来被美军夺回。