- He landed a job in a large American corporation. 他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。
- Its bankruptcy is by far the messiest in American corporate history. 至今为止,在美国公司历史上,雷曼的破产是最乱的了。
- The firm has ties with an American corporation. 该商行与美国一家公司有关系。
- Never in American corporate history has so few employees inflicted so much irreparable damage to the nation's economy and its international image. 因为少数企业执行人员的行为,使美国的经济和声誉受到不可弥补的破坏,这在美国企业史上是前所未有的。
- They have ties with an American corporation. 他们与美国一家公司有关系。
- American corporate profits may come under pressure if, as expected, the economy slows under the influence of the turmoil in the housing market. 如果,如预测一样,美国经济在房市萧条的影响下缓慢发展的话,美国的公司利润可能受到压力。
- The firm has close ties with an American corporation. 这家商行与一家美国公司关系密切。
- Mr. Li used to be the purchasing manager of a big American corporation. 李先生曾经是美国一家大公司的采购经理。
- For example, many corporate training specialists ignore or eschew my work on problem solving, because in American corporate cultures, to admit that a problem exists causes a loss of social capital. 例如,许多社团的培训专家忽略或故意回避我在问题解决上的工作,这是因为在美国的公司文化里,承认问题的存在将会导致社会资本的损失。
- Debuting in 2004 along with three Organic varieties, World Harvest coffees in 10-oz bags garnered an American Corporate Identity 21 Award of Excellence in the Package Design category. 首次亮相于2004年连同三个有机品种,收获咖啡世界10盎司袋获得美国企业形象奖21日在包装设计类别。
- In any discussion of the American corporation, several themes stand out. 要讨论美国的公司制度,有几个问题特别需要加以研究。
- Today, Intel Corporation is the largest American corporate supporter of tech-based art, though exclusively focussing its funding on universities. 现在,尽管只将基金集中于各个大学,英特尔公司仍是资助科技艺术的最大的美国企业。
- American corporations contribute to the confusion by inviting business associates to social functions held outside business hours. 美国公司常常邀请业务上的熟人在工作时间以外参加社交活动,这更造成了混乱。
- No representative of labor had ever sat on the board of a major American corporation. 在这以前,没有任何一个劳工代表参加过一家美国的大公司的董事会。
- American Corporate Reorganization Law 美国重整制度
- A couple of months ago an American corporation acquired a 30 per cent stock in our company. 几个月前一家美国公司认购了我公司的20%25的股份。
- The firs is a revolution in management techniques and consequent restructuring f the American corporation. 管理技术方面的革命和随之而来的对美国重组改造。
- In the suit, The Accuser claims that: The Accuser has been an American corporation in the van of adhesives industry since 1939. 原告诉称:其是一家美国公司,自1939年以来一直在粘合剂制造行业处于领先地位。
- Starkey Laboratories is an American corporation with 33 facilities in 18 countries throughout the world, with a workforce of over 4,500. 美国斯达克试验室,在全球18个国家,拥有33个工厂,超过4500名的雇员。
- Coaxing and bullying, the committee got 30 American corporations to pay record fees of more than $150 million for the rights to sponsor the Games. 通过软硬兼施的手段,奥委会得到了30个美国公司总额在1.;5亿美元以上的录影费,这些公司籍此成为奥运会的赞助商。