- Amative woman is beautiful. 恋爱的女人是美丽的。
- Yeah. They say a working woman is beautiful. 是的,有人说工作着的女人最美丽。
- Woman is beautiful,bubby is beautiful and great.Any man like she,she is very nice! 女人的乳房是美妙的,她是伟大的,令每个男人为之着迷!
- Yangyang sister,thank you for the exellent article.Reading it enhances my confidence. Every woman is beautiful,hehe. "女人的漂亮必须从她的眼睛中去看,因为那是她心灵的窗户和爱居住的地方。”
- A woman is beautiful anyway as long as she follows her own nature, no matter whether she devotes herself to love, handles housework enjoyably, or foster her baby concentratedly. 一个女人,只要她遵循自己的天性,那么,不论她在痴情地恋爱,在愉快地操持家务,在全神贯注地哺育婴儿,都无往而不美。
- A woman is beautiful anyway as long as she follows her own nature, no matter whether she devotes herself to love, handles housework enjoyably, or fosters her baby wholeheartedly. 一个女人,只要她遵循自己的天性,那么,不论她在痴情地恋爱,在愉快地操持家务,在全神贯注地哺育婴儿,都无往而不美。
- The dower of the woman is very much. 那个妇女的嫁妆很多。
- Woman is inferior to man in strength. 女人力量不及男人。
- That retired woman is a baby-sitter. 那个退休妇女是个临时保姆。
- The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean. 靠近太平洋的地区,风景很美丽。
- Woman is mean to be loved,not to be understood. 女人本应就是让人去爱她,而不是去理解她的。
- The picture on the wall is beautiful. 墙上的画很美。
- A career woman is still regard as something of an oddity. 职业妇女仍然多少被认为有点怪。
- The first movement of the symphony is beautiful. 这部交响乐的第一乐章是很优美的。
- The divorced woman is the talk of the street. 那个离了婚的女子成了街头巷尾的话题。
- She is beautiful enough to be a feast for the eyes. 她的美貌,真是秀色可餐。
- What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is beautiful in feminine women is something masculine. 男子的美在于刚中有柔,女子的美在于柔中有刚。
- That woman is not to be trusted in my book. 在我看来,那个女人不可靠。
- The colorful whirl of the dancer is beautiful to watch. 舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋转令人赏心悦目。
- That beautiful woman is Ms. Cherry. 那位漂亮的女人是车瑞女士。