- Formation Era of Altyn Tagh Fault Zone and Contribution of its Strike-Slip to the Uplift of North Tibet Plateau . 阿尔金断裂带的形成时代及其走滑作用对青藏高原北部隆升的贡献.
- The Altyn Tagh fault zone is an important strike-slip fault zone in northwestern China. 摘要阿尔金断裂带是西北地区一条重要的走滑断裂带。
- Research Group on the Active Altyn Tagh Fault Zone, SSB.1992. The Active Altyn Tagh Fault Zone [M]. Seismological Press, Beijing (in Chinese). 国家地震局"阿尔金活动断裂带"课题组.;1992
- Research Group on the Active Altyn Tagh Fault Zone. 1992. The Active Altyn Tagh Fault Zone [M]. Seismological Press, Beijing (in Chinese). 国家地震局阿尔金活动断裂带课题组.;1992
- LI Hai-bing. 2001.Formation Era of Altyn Tagh Fault Zone and Contribution of its Strike-Slip to the Uplift of North Tibetan Plateau [D].Ph D thesis.Institute of Geology, CAGS, Beijing (in Chinese). 李海兵.;2001
- Keywords Tula Basin;Altyn Tagh fault zone;Jurassic Period;Hydrocarbon assessment; 吐拉盆地;阿尔金断裂带;侏罗系;含油气评价;
- Altyn Tagh fault zone 阿尔金断裂带
- Keywords Altyn Tagh fault zone;anatex;mylonite;zircon orientation;strike-slipping;uplifting;strike-slip fault valley (basin);rate of strike-slipping;rate of uplifting;North Qinghai-Tibet plateau; 阿尔金断裂带;深熔作用;糜棱岩;锆石定向;走滑作用;隆升作用;走滑断陷谷地;走滑速率;隆升速率;青藏高原北部;
- Abstract: Altyn Tagh Fault is located in northwestern China, extending for more than 1500 km in NEE direction. 文摘:本文把元古宙阿尔金断裂称为古阿尔金断裂,以区别于第三纪以来左旋剪切的阿尔金断裂。
- Altyn Tagh Fault is located in northwestern China, extending for more than 1500 km in NEE direction. 本文把元古宙阿尔金断裂称为古阿尔金断裂,以区别于第三纪以来左旋剪切的阿尔金断裂。
- The west edge of the basin overlapped on bedrock, there is not any substantive relation with the Altyn Tagh fault. 盆地的西部边缘超覆在基岩之上,不受断裂控制。
- The Aksay and Subei basins are adjacent to Altyn Tagh fault system formed in Miocene and were considered as one basin cut by Altyn Tagh fault system in late Miocene. 摘要阿克塞盆地和肃北盆地分列于阿尔金断裂两侧,形成于中新世,有人认为它们曾是统一的盆地,在中新世末期由于阿尔金断裂的活动而被分割。
- It is indicated that the Altyn Tagh fault had slipped in that time.Quaternary deposit is the main sedimentation of the Wuzunxiaoer( the west part of Xorkol) basin. 乌尊硝尔盆地(索尔库里盆地西部)中的主体沉积是第四系。
- From east to west, the boundary between the north and the south corresponds successively to the west segment of the Altyn Tagh fault, Kuyake fault, Ashikule fault and the east end of the Kangxiwar fault. 两者之间的分界线从东向西依次对应于阿尔金断裂西段、库牙克断裂、阿什库勒断裂和康西瓦断裂东端。
- The Altyn Tagh fault (ATF) is the largest, and one of the most active sliding faults in Asia. 摘要阿尔金断裂是亚洲大陆最大、也是最活跃的走滑断层之一。
- In response to indentation of the Pamir wedge and tectonic movements along the Altyn Tagh fault, the Tarim basin underwent clockwise rotation about a vertical axis since the Tertiary. 区域构造研究表明,塔里木盆地新生代主要发生了4期区域构造变形,第三纪以来还发生顺时针旋转。
- the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault 阿尔金东段
- FENG Xian-yue. 1982. The Altun Tagh Fault zone [A]. In: Professional Committee of Seismogeology, Seismological Society of China (ed). Active Faults in China. Seismological Press, Beijing (in Chinese). 冯先岳.;1982
- Strike-Slip Model for Altyn Tagh Fault Developed since Late Mesozoic 晚中生代以来阿尔金断裂的走滑模式