- Alternaria atransn. 黑链格孢
- The growth curve of Alternaria was measured by a spectrophotometer. 用可见分光光度计测得交链霉菌的生长曲线。
- The results showed that they are Stemphylium sp, Fusella Sacc, Alternaria sp, Fu5ari urn sp, Gibberella sp, Sphacelia sp, Actinomyces, Dematium Pers. 初步鉴定结果分别属于匐柄霉、丛梗孢属、交链孢属、镰孢霉属、赤霉属、蜜孢霉、放线菌属和暗梗单孢霉属。
- Atran thinks it may be possible to fight the virulent ideas not just with a fist but also with an outstretched hand. 阿特兰则认为不是只有用拳头来对抗暴力的想法,也可用友善的方式。
- An alternative being put forward by Atran and others is that religion emerges as a natural by-product of the way the human mind works. 阿特兰和其他科学家提出了另一种见解。他们认为宗教是人类大脑运作自然产生的副产品。
- Screening of toxin-producing isolates and culture medium of Alternaria Alternata. 链格孢菌产毒菌株及产毒培养基的筛选。
- Scott Atran, a research director at the Jean Nicod Institute of the CNRS in Paris, studies the group dynamics of terrorists. 法国国家科学研究院尼可德研究所的研究主任阿特兰(ScottAtran)专门研究恐怖份子的组织动力。
- Study on pathogenic fungus Alternaria tenuis Nees and its symptom in Trifolium repens L. 白车轴草病原菌链格孢菌及其症状研究。
- Any of various fungi in the genus Alternaria, many of which cause plant diseases, chiefly blights and leaf spots. 交链包属一种交链包属真菌,其中很多可以引起植物病,主要是萎缩病和叶斑病
- Additional, postharvest Alternaria rot, caused by Alternaria alternata, was inhibited in pears by ASM sprays. 喷施ASM还有效抑制了采后接种的黑霉病(Alternaria alternata)。
- Fig. 2. Conidiophores and conidia of Alternaria alternata produced on leaf spot of Basella rubra(A,B). 二、落葵叶斑病斑上的病原菌孢子梗及孢子(A,B)。
- The fact that trauma is so often responsible for these slips gives a clue as to why adults find it so difficult to jettison their innate belief in gods, Atran says. 阿特兰说我们在精神创伤下常会求助于一些超自然力量,这一事实可以帮助我们解答为什么成年人很难完全抛弃自己与生俱来对于神灵的信仰。
- The main pathogen caused postharvest decay of "Dong" jujube was Alternaria sp p and Emericella nidulans. 侵染冬枣的病原菌主要是交链孢和裸孢壳菌。
- Atran, who has interviewed several radical jihadists, says that the Internet has spread a homogenized, flat notion of Islam, one that has little to do with Islamic tradition. 阿特兰曾采访过几位激进圣战份子,他表示,网际网路散播了一个同质、平面的伊斯兰教,但这和伊斯兰教的传统一点关系也没。
- AT-toxin produced by Alternaria alteniata was a kind of HST and a pathogenic factor of Tobacco Brown Spot disease . AT-毒素是烟草赤星病的致病因子,是一种寄主专化性毒素。
- "You've got to figure out a solution, otherwise you're overwhelmed," Atran says.When natural brain processes give us a get-out-of-jail card, we take it. “但你必须找到解决对策,否则便会无所适从,”阿特兰说,正好这锦囊妙计早已预先写在了我们大脑里,所以我们要做的只是打开锦囊,依计行事。
- Abstract : In order to explain the occurrence regulation of Alternaria obpyriformis T. 摘要 : 为了解芦荟黑斑病的发生规律,进一步为防治提供理论依据。
- The most exaggerated and statistically significant response by far was to Alternaria alternata antigens. 最言过其实的是对链格孢抗原的反应非常明显,具有统计学显著差异。
- The results showed that the non-plthogenic bacteria were inhibitive to Alternaria alternata. 结果表明,非病原细菌对烟草赤星病菌有较强的拮抗作用。
- After treated by the antagonists, the formation appeared and growth of mycelium of Alternaria alternata was influnced. 在拮抗菌对目标菌烟草赤星病菌生长发育影响中发现,受拮抗菌作用,目标菌菌丝形态产生变异,生长发育受到影响。