- Alter user zgl account unlock. 解除帐号锁定。
- ALTER USER username IDENTIFIED BY password ACCOUNT UNLOCK; 如果要修改已锁定的账户的口令,使用下面的语句
- Alter user lb account unlock; 将错误登录次数限制为如何解锁被锁定的用户?
- Alter user lb password expire; loading. 如何使一个用户的口令过期?
- Users and Groups Administration : Clicking this link allows you to alter users and groups (discussed in Chapter 8). “用户和组管理”:点击该链接允许你更改用户和组(在第8章中讨论)。
- ALTER USER manuel VALID UNTIL 'Jan 更改一用户有效期
- ALTER USER miriam IN GROUP sales, payroll; 将一用户置于两个组内;
- Alter user edpthw password expire; 使密码过期,迫使改下一次进入改密码;
- Alter user sys identified by sys; 用户已更改。
- SQL> ALTER USER WANGL identified by WL; 修改用户口令,系统提示出错。
- alter user user_name default tablespace tb_name; 是修改用户的默认表空间吧.
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- No one can alter the fact, ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。
- Please charge these bills to my account. 请把这些帐单记在我的账上。
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。
- I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account. 兹附支票一张以结清贵处帐目。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。