- The researches are concerned with alpha rays. 这些研究是关于阿尔法射线的。
- alpha ray spectrometer 射线能谱仪,能谱仪,谱仪
- The researches are concerned with alpha rays . 这些研究都是关于阿尔法射线的。
- This paper theoretically discusses the relationship between the natural gamma ray spectrometry (NGS) and clayey mass fraction and cation exchange capacity (CEC) in the stratum. 阐述了地层中的自然伽马能谱与泥质质量分数及阳离子交换量的关系,介绍一种利用自然伽马能谱确定泥质质量分数和阳离子交换量的方法。
- In this paper, a new-style Gama Ray Spectrometry is developed, that is mainly used in natural Gama Ray Spectrometry Logging Instrument and Lithology Density Logging Instrument. 本文设计了一种新型的伽马能谱仪,主要应用于自然伽马能谱测井和岩性密度测井。
- The results show that the Gama Ray Spectrometry has the good performances of low power consuming, veracity for detecting spectrum, stability and reliability. 最后进行了新型伽马能谱仪的系统调试和外场试验,试验结果表明,该新型伽马能谱仪功耗低、测谱准确、工作稳定可靠。
- The particles expelled when the atom explodes are protons, alpha rays or neutrons. 原子爆炸时排出的粒子是质子、a射线或中子。
- The particles expelled when the atom explodes are protons,alpha rays or neutrons. 原子爆炸时排出的粒子是质子、a射线或中子。
- high resolution gamma ray spectrometry 高分辨 射线能谱测定法
- We have shown that it is possible to create a radioactivity characterized by the emission of positive or negative electrons in boron and magnesium, by bombardment with alpha rays. 我们已经展示了人工放射现象的可能性,这种放射现象的特征是用以射线轰击用咄硼和镁中的正电子或负电子。
- natural gamma ray spectrometry log 自然伽马能谱测井
- Later on, we observed that aluminium and boron, when irradiated by alpha rays do not emit protons and neutrons alone, there is also an emission of positive electrons. 后来,我们观察到,铝和硼经a射线轰击,不仅仅排出质子和中子,还排出正电子。
- natural gamma ray spectrometry logging 自然伽马能谱测井
- Later on,we observed that aluminium and boron,when irradiated by alpha rays do not emit protons and neutrons alone,there is also an emission of positive electrons. 后来,我们观察到,铝和硼经a射线轰击,不仅仅排出质子和中子,还排出正电子。
- airborne Gamma - ray spectrometry 航空γ能谱测量
- We have shown that it is possible to create a radioactivity characterized by the emission of positive or negative electrons in boron and magnesium,by bombardment with alpha rays. 我们已经展示了人工放射现象的可能性,这种放射现象的特征是用以射线轰击用咄硼和镁中的正电子或负电子。
- But the positive electrons produced by aluminium under the action of a source of alpha rays continue to be emitted for some time after removal of the source. The number of electrons emitted decreases by half in three minutes. 但是,在射线动能源作用下铝产生的正电子在动能源撤走后的相当长时间里仍继续被排斥出来,且排出的电子数量在3分钟后减少一半。
- The scanning electron microscope (SEM)and the energy dispersive X ray spectrometer (EDX) have been employed for the identification of gold in Shandong auriferous ore samples. 运用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及X射线能谱仪(EDX)进行金矿鉴定的实验研究,结果表明,本法比较直观、简便,可以确定金的存在形式及生成环境,并鉴定金矿物的种
- After the carboxylated styrene butadiene latex was tagged by osmium, binder migration during coating process was studied by energy dispersive X ray spectrometer. 以锇酸标记、X射线电子能谱检测为手段对纸张涂布加工过程中胶粘剂的迁移进行了研究。
- In our study of the transmutations with emission of neutrons produced in the light elements irradiated with alpha rays,we have noticed some difficulties in interpretation in the emission of neutrons by fluorine,sodium,and aluminium. 在研究排出中子的蜕变现象(这些中子产生于a射线放射出的轻量元素内部)的过程中,我们注意到,在解释由氟。钠和铝产生的中子排出现象中还有一些难点。