- Almirante Pereira Da Silva 佩雷拉·达·席尔瓦海军上将是葡萄牙制造的护卫舰
- Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva is not a man in a hurry. 路易斯·纳西奥·拉·席尔瓦不是一个做事匆忙的人。
- Prance and Marlene Freitas da Silva. 作者声明: by Ghillean T.
- R.Diniz, Eduardo A.B. da Silva, and Sergio L.Netto. 书名/作者 Digital signal processing :system analysis and design /Paulo S.
- Mr. da Silva has made several moves to ease investors' worries. 为减少投资者的担忧,达?席尔瓦采取了几项措施。
- "Diaby, Tomas Rosicky and da Silva has not yet recovered. “迪亚比、达席尔瓦和罗西基还没有康复。
- Was Uefa right to give Eduardo da Silva two-match ban? 判爱德华多因假摔停赛两场,欧足联是对是错?
- Even so, it only climbed to about 40%, still miles off Da Silva's whopping 70%. 但就算如此,也只是攀升到了40%25,离卢拉的70%25还相距甚远。
- President Bush began a Latin American trip in Brazil Thursday for talks with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on subjects including biofuels. 总统布十为了与巴西总统就生物燃料问题进行谈话,在周四开始了对拉丁美洲的访问。
- Some investors are concerned about Mr. da Silva's politics and his earlier criticism of lending organizations. 一些投资者对达?席尔瓦的政治观点和他早期对借贷组织的批评表示担心。
- Mr. da Silva has offered to move forward on talks to establish a free trade area in the Americas. 并且推进了在美洲建立自由贸易区的会谈。
- Mr. da Silva says a top goal of his administration will be to end hunger in Brazil. 达?席尔瓦表示本届政府的一个最高目标就是解决巴西的温饱问题。
- Mr. da Silva says he will honor Brazil's agreements with lending organizations like the International Monetary Fund. 达?席尔瓦表示将尊重巴西与国际货币基金组织这样的借贷组织之间的协议,
- Mr. da Silva was a candidate for president in three earlier elections before his win on Sunday. 在星期日顺利当选总统以前,达?席尔瓦还曾是前三次总统选举的候选人。
- The principal of Jose's school was there, and so was Mr. Da Silva's boss, the head nurse at the hospitsl. 乔塞学校的校长来了,西尔瓦先生的上司,医院的护士长也来了。
- We intend to resolve the situation by the weekend," said president Pinto da Silva. 我们打算在周末前解决这个问题。”波尔图主席平托-达-席尔瓦如是说。
- In Davos, Mister da Silva asked the leaders to help end severe poverty in the southern part of the world. 在达沃斯,达?席尔瓦请求与会领导们帮助结束南半球的极度贫困现象。
- Da Silva(24), was born in Brazil but moved to Croatia at the age of15 and took Croatian nationality in2002. 达席尔瓦(4岁)出生于巴西,15岁时来到克罗地亚,并在2002年入了克罗地亚国籍。
- Mrs da Silva notes that the price of rice has “fallen a lot”, another boost to the family budget. 达席尔瓦女士指出,大米的价格已经“下跌许多”,这是另一项对家庭预算的改善。
- Clenilda da Silva, 49, a babysitter, had died the previous day of a heart attack. (棺材中的死者是)现年四十九岁的保母克兰妮儿达?达?席尔瓦,前一天死于心脏病发作。