- Allow such a daring hope 让一种奢望
- My father would not hear of such a daring journey. 我父亲不会允许如此冒险的旅行。
- You cannot stand by and allow such a thing. 你不能袖手旁观,听任发生这样的事。
- We cannot stand by and allow such a thing. 对这样的事我们不能袖手旁观。
- Suddenly I pictured a daring design knitted into such a sweater. 刹那间我有了一个可编织成这种线衫的大胆设计。
- Only Mark has the ability to take such a daring proposal through to completion. 只有马克才能使这么一项大胆的计划得以完成。
- She could not allow such a claim to go unchallenged. 她不能对这样的要求听任不管。
- Allow such a vision to play out upon the screen before you. 允许这样一幅图景在你眼前的电影屏幕上演示出来。
- I should not allow such a thought to take hold on me. 我不能让这种思想影响我。
- You ought not to allow such a dreadful creature to live in your kingdom. 您不应当让这一个可怕的家伙住在您的王国里。
- He only entered the competition for a dare. 他只是因为受人激将才参加竞赛。
- We mustn't allow such a person access to confidential matters of the state. 不能让这样的人与闻国家机密。
- Holding such a party is a daring attempt, whether to CIQ Zhoushan or the WYH club, yet it proved to be fruitful. 举办这样的舞会对检验检疫局和五月花俱乐部来说是个大胆的尝试,但最终它取得了很大的成功。
- Suddenly I pictured a daring design knitted into such a sweater.Then an even more daring idea came to me. 刹那间我有了一个可编织成这种线衫的大胆设计。之后,一个更为大胆的想法出现在我脑海里。
- How dare you ask me such a question? 你怎敢问我这样的问题?
- The overwhelming majority of the Chinese people will never allow such a retrogression. 中国绝大多数人决不允许历史倒退。
- But then Bernard Dunstan is one of those least likely to allow such a consideration to deter him. 但是伯纳德.;邓斯坦是那些绝少数愿意被此种因素所喝退而停滞不前的艺术家。
- Every one of them is a daring general. 他们各个都是闯将。
- It was a daring attempt but Roy carried it off. 这是一个大胆的尝试,但是罗伊成功地完成了。
- Die? I should say not, dear fellow. No Barry more would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him. John Barry more, American actor, J. 死?我想说不,亲爱的伙计。巴瑞摹尔决不会允许这类传统的事情发生在他的身上。