- Alloth yone longicaudan. 长尾异赛瓜参
- Alloth yonen. 异赛瓜参属
- Ever yone wanted to hand their experience of life on. 每个人都想把他们的生活经验传下去。
- With the recognition, Japan boasts having both the world"s oldest man and the oldest woman -- Yone Minagawa, 114, who also lives in Kyushu. 田锅获得吉尼斯世界纪录的认证后,日本便同时拥有了全世界寿命最长的男性和女性,目前全世界寿命最长的女性是114岁的皆川米子,她也住在九州岛。
- With the recognition, Japan boasts having both the world's oldest man and the oldest woman -- Yone Minagawa, 114, who also lives in Kyushu. 田锅获得吉尼斯世界纪录的认证后,日本便同时拥有了全世界寿命最长的男性和女性,目前全世界寿命最长的女性是114岁的皆川米子,她也住在九州岛。
- The Guinness Book of World Records lists Japan's 114-year-old Yone Minagawa and 111-year-old Tomoji Tanabe, as the world's oldest person and oldest man, respectively. 据《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》记载,目前世界上寿命最长的人和寿命最长的男性分别是日本114岁的皆川米子和111岁的田锅友时。
- The Guinness Book of World Records lists Japan's 114-age-old Yone Minagawa and 111-age-old Tomoji Tanabe, as the globle's oldest person and oldest man, respectively. 日本女性的平均寿命连续22年名列全球之首,一些研究人员认为,这主要归功于她们健康的饮食和紧密的大家庭联系。
- " With the recognition, Japan boasts having both the world's oldest man and the oldest woman -- Yone Minagawa, 114, who also lives in Kyushu. 滴酒不沾的田锅友时不断重申,其长寿的秘诀主要是不沾酒。
- Ōyone 大米(姓,日本)
- Yone 容