- Allocation among functions 功能间分摊
- Biomass of Chinese fir plantations in Fujian Province and its allocation among leaf, branch, stem and roots were studied based on the published biomass data. 摘要通过收集福建省杉木林生物量数据,对福建省杉木林生物量及其分配规律进行分析,结果表明,杉木林生物量随年龄增长呈逐渐增加趋势,并以幕方程拟合的效果最好。
- A model for the optimization load allocation among power generating units is proposed by using fuzzy theory and solve it with the improved GA. 通过引入模糊理论提出了电厂机组负荷分配模型,并运用改进的遗传算法进行求解。
- The trend in asset allocation among the largest pools of international investment money suggests 2010 will mark a revival in African bond issuance. 国际最大的投资储备库的资产配置趋势标志着2010年将会是非洲债券发行复兴的一年。
- How Will Profit Be Allocated Among Equity Owners of Company? 利润将如何在公司股权所有者中分配?
- The vegetation had nutrient store 2 229.246 kg/hm 2 with the different layers of arbor 96.0%, shrub 3.2% and grass 0 8%, the percentages of nutrient allocation among the different layers had marked difference. 植被中营养元素的积累量为2 229.;24kg/hm 2;乔木、灌木、草本等层次分别占96
- Abstract : Adjacent relations system could ease the confliction between the users of real estate, to make full use of, Completed a fair and efficient allocation among adjacent neighbors. 相邻关系制度可调和不动产利用人相互间之冲突,达到物尽其用之目的,达到相邻人之间公平而又有效率的资源分配。
- You have a 92% voter registration rate,the second highest among functional constituencies. 保险界选民登记率高达百分之九十二,在功能界别中,高踞第二位。
- Because the resources are allocated among several cell range, distributed coding structure also can improve the resource alloc success probability of the users in heavy cell. 由于可以在多个小区范围内分配资源,分布式编码结构也能提高在繁忙小区用户的资源分配成功率。
- First, the balance may be allocated among the work in process, finished goods, and cost of goods sold accounts. 第一种方法是将余额分配到在产品、产成品和产品销售成本账户。
- Space for the directories other than root is allocated among the data clusters, just as if they were ordinary files. 目录而不是根的存储空间是在数据簇中进行分配的,就好像他们是普通文件一样。
- Well, it is the miscellaneous cost incurred in the plant and shall be allocated among the products. 是指车间里发生的杂项成本,应该分配到产品成本上去。
- Each new member of the brotherhood brings a number of rank points that can be allocated among the brotherhood's members, and ranks. 每次新会员的兄弟带来了一些要点,可以拨出级兄弟之间的成员排名。
- We've spent our entire allocation for the year. 我们已经把今年拨给我们的全部经费都花光了。
- Investors respond not only to the correctness of a country's economic reforms but also to the way in which the fruit of those reforms are allocated among new and old investors. 投资者不仅对一个国家的经济改革是否正确作出回应,他们也对这些改革的成果在新旧投资者中的分配方式作出回应。
- In the case of quotas administered through licences which are not allocated among supplying countries, licence holders shall be free to choose the sources of imports. 在配额通过不在供应国之间进行分配的许可管理的情况下,许可证持有者有权选择进口产品的来源。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- The profits will be dealt out among the investors. 红利将分发给投资者。
- Even if the subjects did not spend, for example, cut a rabbit, you can cut on its behalf a peach or a plum allocated among staghorn (deer), is to "spend spend. 即使对象身上根本没有花,比如剪一只小兔,可以替它剪上一朵桃花,或者在鹿角间配一朵梅花(梅花鹿),是为“花中花”。
- They quarreled among themselves. 他们互相争吵。