- The allergic skin test of dust and acarid were both positive among the patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. 常年性过敏性鼻炎患者的尘土、尘螨变应原皮试反应全部为阳性。
- Glutaraldehyde to Be Used in Skin Disinfection of Allergic Skin Test 戊二醛用于过敏试验皮肤消毒
- 2.Results The allergic skin test of dust and acarid were both positive among the patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. 结果常年性过敏性鼻炎患者的尘土、尘螨变应原皮试反应全部为阳性。
- 6.Results The allergic skin test of dust and acarid were both positive among the patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. 结果常年性过敏性鼻炎患者的尘土、尘螨变应原皮试反应全部为阳性。
- But for allergic reaction, skin test must be done before using. 由于易出现过敏反应,使用前必须做皮内试验。
- Allergic skin reaction such as urticaria. 过敏性皮肤反应,例如风疹块。
- How can go the beans on the face, (Allergic skin) ? 怎么样能去脸上的豆豆,(过敏皮肤)?
- Allergic skin test 过敏原皮试
- Can white vinegar have side effect to allergic skin? 白醋对过敏的皮肤会有副作用吗?
- Take your skin test at the injection room. 请到注射室做皮试。
- If you're not sure what's triggering your allergic cough, your doctor can give you a skin test or blood test to pinpoint the allergy. 如果你不能确定是什么触发了你的过敏性咳嗽,你的医师可以为你进行皮肤或血液的测试来确定过敏源。
- Con clu sion Amaranthaceae pollen is an important allergen of dermatitis in Nanchang and its skin test must be regarded as the routine test to diagnose allergic dermatitis. 结论野苋菜花粉皮试应作为南昌及其周围地区过敏性皮炎的常规检验。
- Please have your doctor indicate your skin test result. 请让医生注明皮试结果。
- Please do a patch test before use.Apply a little cream to the skin behind the ear or on the inside of the arm.Apply to a larger area in case of no allergic reaction.Unsuitable for allergic skin. 注意示项:敏感性肌肤慎用,使用前请先做皮试,取少量膏体涂于手臂内侧或耳垂,无过敏反应请再使用,过敏性皮肤谢绝使用。
- I'll do a skin test first to see if you have any sensitivity. 我要先给你做个皮肤试验看看你有无过敏现象。
- LTG is a new broad-spectrum AEDs,with safety except to be on the alert against allergic skin rashes. ? 说明LTG为新型广谱AEDs,较为安全,但应警惕过敏性皮疹
- Take your skin test at the emergency therapeutic room. 请到急诊治疗室做皮试。
- Ill do a skin test first to see if you have any sensitivity. 我要先给你做个皮肤试验看看你是否会过敏。
- Pityriasis rosea and romance in fact have little relevance because the virus after a cold-induced allergic skin diseases. 其实玫瑰糠疹与浪漫扯不上多少关系,是因为病毒性感冒后引起的过敏性皮肤病。