- He hadn't been on the grounds here at the All England Club since 2002, when he exited ignominiously in the second round. 自从2002年他耻辱性的第二轮出局以来,他就未曾踏上全英俱乐部的场地。
- It was a lacklustre display by Sharapova, who has reached at least the fourth round on all five of her previous visits to the All England Club. 这是莎拉波娃的最差表现,在前五次她的温布尔登之旅中都至少进入了第四轮。
- Eaton, who won three matches at last week's qualifying event, claimed a 6-3 7-6 (8/6) 6-4 victory shortly before dusk descended on the All England Club. 在上周的预选赛上取得三场胜利的伊顿在全英俱乐部尘埃落定前取得了6-3,7-6,6-4的胜利。
- For the second consecutive year, the posh patrons here at the All England Club were treated to a scintillating men's final that spilled into extra time. 连续两年,全英俱乐部的上流主顾们都享受到了一场才华横溢的男单决赛,火星四溅直到加时。
- So the All England Club gratefully accepted the services of a full-time falconer to patrol the courts with a swooping bird of prey, named Finnegan, acting as a highly effective deterrent. 所以全英俱乐部欣然接受了一位专业驯鹰者的帮助,他训练出来的猎鹰“芬尼根”专门负责温网期间的场地巡逻,成为一个十分有效的威慑。
- In 1875 the All England Croquet Club decided to include the sport of tennis. 网球场地被大量修建,而网球俱乐部也开始出现。
- 2.So the All England Club gratefully accepted the services of a full-time falconer to patrol the courts with a swooping bird of prey, named Finnegan, acting as a highly effective deterrent. 所以全英俱乐部欣然接受了一位专业驯鹰者的帮助,他训练出来的猎鹰“芬尼根”专门负责温网期间的场地巡逻,成为一个十分有效的威慑。
- All England would thus be developed into one immense manufacturing city. 在这样情况下,整个英国就会发展成为一个庞大的工业城市。
- Hull City, England Club skin is very typical. 1992 to 1995, Hull City players in the garb of this is a tiger in the field of battle. 英格兰赫尔城俱乐部的虎皮就是非常典型的。1992年到1995年,赫尔城的球员们就是披着这一身虎皮在赛场上征战的。
- In all England,I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society. 在整个英格兰境内,我不相信我竟能找到这样一个能与尘世的喧嚣完全隔绝的地方。
- There is hardly a town or village in all England that has not at sometime given its name to a family. 英格兰几乎每个村镇都在某个时期把它的名字赋予给一个家庭。
- In all England, I don't believe I could have fixed on a country house like this. 在全英格兰,我不相信自己竟能找到这样的农舍。
- They have clinched all four semi-final berths for men at the famous $125000 All England Open. 他们在奖金为12.;5万美元的全英羽毛球公开赛上占据了前四名的全部席位。
- In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society. 在整个英格兰境内,我不相信我竟能找到这样一个能与尘世的喧嚣完全隔绝的地方。
- And there were no livelier, brighter, more lovable persons in all England than Charles and Mary Lamb. 但是,在全英国,没人比查理士.蓝姆与玛丽.蓝姆更活泼,欢快,可爱。
- They have clinched all four semi-final berths for men at the famous $ 125000 All England Open. 他们在奖金为12.;5万美元的全英羽毛球公开赛上,占据了前四名的全部席位。
- And the provocation united all England against France, whereas there had been at first a very considerable liberal movement in Great Britain in sympathy with the revolution. 这一挑衅行为使整个英国团结起来,反对法国,而大不列颠本来刚开始时发生过规模极大、同情革命的自由运动。
- The Archbishop of Canterbury is the Primate of all England, that is to say, he is the spiritual leader of the Church of England. 坎特伯雷大主教是英国的主教,也就是说,他是英国教会的精神领袖。
- All kydells for the future shall be removed altogether from Thames and Medway, and throughout all England, except upon the seashore. 从今以后,除海岸外,泰晤士河、麦德威河及全英格兰各处河上所有捕鱼围堰即应全数拆除。
- "The BWF will hold meetings at the next Super Series event, the All England Open in Birmingham in March, where the issue of technology will be discussed. 比赛需要精彩激烈的场面,但是这需要双方球员来展现,而不是通过场外的官员和裁判来得到体现。