- All eyes were on her. 大家都注视着她。
- His bloodshot eyes were on her face. 他那双布满血丝的眼睛紧盯着她的脸。
- Brawn CEO Nick Fry said at the weekend that all eyes were on the WMSC meeting. 车队CEO尼克弗莱在上周末表示,所有的目光都会聚焦在WMSC会议上。
- All eyes are on Matt Cassel and Matt Forte in Week Two. 有人抱怨这里总是一副“万事俱备只欠东风”的样子,着急的可以先看视频。
- All eyes were bent on the fancy car. 所有的眼神都注视那部新奇的车。
- All eyes were on him(= everyone was looking at him)as he walked on to the stage. 他走上台时所有的目光都注视着他。
- "I watched Adriano several years ago at the Toulon Tournament and, as all eyes were on him, his name stayed in my mind," Mourinho told the Daily Star. "我已经观察阿德里亚诺数年之久了,从土伦杯开始,他的名字始终在我脑海里。"穆帅这样给每日星报说。
- She smiled shyly as she felt all the eyes were fixed on her. 当她发觉所有的眼睛都在盯着她时,她羞怯地微笑了。
- So all eyes were on Li when he took up his chopsticks, picked up a jiaozi, and as luck would have it, dropped it into his wineglass accidentally before he could put it into his mouth. 于是在众目睽睽下,李鸿章拿起筷子,夹起一个饺子,一不小心饺子掉到了他的酒杯里,他把饺子从酒杯里夹出来送到了嘴里。
- All eyes were focused on him when he came in. 他进来时大家都注视着他。
- So all eyes were on Li when he took up his chopsticks,picked up a jiaozi,and as luck would have it,dropped it into his wineglass accidentally before he could put it into his mouth. 于是在众目睽睽下,李鸿章拿起筷子,夹起一个饺子,一不小心饺子掉到了他的酒杯里,他把饺子从酒杯里夹出来送到了嘴里。
- She has been on her legs all day. 她从早到晚站了一天。
- The team have talked things through and now all eyes are on Crotone’s visit to the Olimpico on Saturday. 全队已经进行了相关探讨,现在所有的工作中心都转到了周六在主场奥林匹克中心对阵克罗托内的比赛上。
- My grandmother's eyes are going back on her. 我祖母的视力越来越差了。
- The heat is off the yumminess and the mumminess and all eyes are on that thing that you thought had gone west with our mothers’ generation: the art of being a good wife. 我们不再看重调理美食和照顾小孩,我们都开始注重一样有些人认为随着我们的母亲那辈一去不复返的东西:做一个好妻子的艺术。
- She was on her knees, poking the fire. 她跪在地上拨火。
- These days, all eyes are on Mr Parker, who sniffs and sips and then awards the wine a score out of 100, which the buyers and sellers in the market use to establish a price. 在这段时间里,帕克先生成为众人瞩目的焦点。他通过闻、尝给葡萄酒打分,满分是100分。市场上的购买者和销售者便依据这分数给酒定价。
- All eyes were cast upon the speaker. 所有的目光投射在说话者身上。
- From the faraway look in her eyes you could tell something was on her mind. 从她恍惚的眼神中你可看出她有心事。
- In London, all eyes were on the Lloyds Banking Group. Much larger than expected losses at Halifax-Bank of Scotland or HBOS, which Lloyds recently acquired, sent jitters through the market. 伦敦股市的所有注意力都集中在劳埃德银行集团身上。劳埃德银行集团最近收购的苏格兰海法银行的损失远远超出意料,令股市感到不安。