- All booms eventually go bust. 所有的暴涨,最后都会终结。
- All his property will eventually go to his next of kin. 他的所有财产最终都给了他的亲人。
- First I go bust, then I)get my resource stolen. 首先我去半身像;然后我)让我的资源被偷.
- But, while you wait, your firm might go bust. 然而,当你等待的时候,你的公司或许已经垮掉。
- It's better to trade than )go bust. 资讯科技是比较好交易超过)去半身像。
- You made me go bust, then )you take my resource! 你使我去半身像,然后)你轮流我的资源!
- But for all its talk of free markets, the government does not want any big chaebol to go bust. 不过话说回来,谈到按市场规律办事,其实政府还是不愿意看到任何一个财阀倒台的。
- But many are unoccupied, monuments to a construction boom that went bust. 但是许多都是空置着,标志着建筑热的冷却。
- Many girls who run away to London eventually go on the streets. 很多逃到伦敦来的姑娘最后都沦为妓女。
- But then hardly anybody would buy our tickets and we would go bust. 但那样就不会有人购买我们的机票,我们也会因此而完蛋。
- The business will go bust soon. 这商行很快就要倒闭了。
- Telescoping of the boom is carried out through telescoping cylinder and steel cable, and all booms telescope simultaneously. 吊臂的伸缩是通过伸缩油缸和钢丝绳进行,各伸缩臂同步伸缩。
- I hate garlic almost as)much as I hate going bust! 我几乎同样地憎恨大蒜)很多当我憎恨去半身像!
- But)going bust would be even)more of a waste! 但是)去半身像会是平坦的)一个废料的更多!
- A cramp can persist numerous times until it eventually goes away. 抽筋可能会重复很多次才会最终消失。
- There's nothing sillier)than going bust. 没有东西比较愚蠢的)超过去半身像.
- Drink eventually went up delicate and goluptious " stone soup " . 最后终于喝上了美味可口的“石头汤”。
- If we buy a new car, it will eventually go from being our pride and joy to being a scruffy set of wheels with an irritating rattle. 比如说你买了辆新车,这个曾经一度带给你骄傲和快乐的宝贝最终在你眼中会变成一堆破旧轮胎外加发出阵阵怪声的废铜烂铁。
- The fighters who resist Soviet forces eventually go on to form the nucleus of the Taleban. 那些抵抗前苏联军队的士兵最后成为塔利班组织的核心成员。
- The company went bust soon after the striking me returned to work. 公司在罢工工人复工后不久便破产了。