- Alignment Optical Telescope 校准光学望远镜
- Instead, Kepler will use a powerful optical telescope to detect the slight dimming of light that results when a planet moves between us and its star. 记得有一次间质性肺炎的病例,由于诊断 不清,因此肺穿后送病理,临床医生打了个首拟的诊断--嗜酸细胞性肺炎。
- At the time of the first attack, the radio telescope and the 1.25-meter optical telescope were installed and undergoing tests. 天文台遭受第一波攻击时,他们正在架设并测试无线电望远镜以及1.;25米口径的可见光望远镜。
- The VLT is an array of optical telescopes. 甚大望远镜是一组光学望远镜阵列。
- Through the optical telescope, NGC 6240 is shaped like a butterfly. It is so odd-looking because it is in fact the result of the collision of two spiral galaxies. 以光学观测,NGC 6240的形状就像一只蝴蝶,它之所以这样古怪,是因为它其实是两个旋涡状星系撞的结果。
- most advanced optical telescope in world 世界上最先进的光学望远镜
- Radio telescopes have been able to probe space beyond the range of ordinary optical telescopes. 射电望远镜已能探测普通光学望远镜达不到的宇宙空间。
- Almost all astronomical research and discovery prior to 1950 was made by optical telescopes on the ground. 从之前到1950年,几乎所有的天文学研究和发现是由地面的光学望远镜取得的。
- Explanation: The center of our Milky Way Galaxy is hidden from the prying eyes of optical telescopes by clouds of obscuring dust and gas. 说明:在不透光尘埃与云气的遮掩下,我们银河系的中心在普通可见光望远镜中是难以看见的。
- Could you align this table with those? 你能把这张桌子同那些桌子排成一行吗?
- Our company should align ourselves with theirs. 我们的公司必须与他们的公司合作。
- Looking toward the grand southern constellation Centaurus, both views reveal stars and structures hidden from optical telescopes by obscuring dust. 往巨大的南方星座半人马座看去,上面影像显示的恒星和结构在光学望远镜下都被模糊的尘埃遮蔽了。
- Central Electronic Unit Design of SST Main Optical Telescope SST主光学望远镜中央电子单元的分析与设计
- Correct the wheel alignment on a car. 修正汽车上的轮胎准线
- Light Pollution and Protection of Optical Telescope Sites 光污染和光学天文台址保护
- The sights of the gun must be in alignment with the target. 枪的瞄准器必须与射击目标对准成一线。
- Introduction to Optical Alignment Techniques. 光学对准技术。
- While optical telescopes extend our view deep into space, to distances billions of light-years away from the eye's everyday demesne, optical microscopes turn our vision inward, taking it to deep inner space. 光学望远镜把我们的目光带向宇宙深处,比日常所见的领域还要远数十亿光年的地方。
- no existing optical telescope could see even giant Jupiter, much less Earth.) 那么我们现有的光学望远镜就连巨大的木星都看不到,更不用说地球了。)
- The troops were in perfect alignment. 士兵们排成很直的行列。