- Alhagi pseudalhagi Desv. 骆驼刺
- Under the scorching sun, the barren hills and thirst, thirst in the Gobi Desert, thirst and sand Alhagi pseudalhagi the song. 烈日下,干渴的荒山,干渴的戈壁,干渴的骆驼刺和沙嵩。
- Alhagi pseudalhagi 骆驼刺
- The Resources and Utilization of Alhagi maurorum in Arid and Desert Zone. 干旱荒漠区骆驼刺资源及利用。
- Alhagi sparsifolia is widely distributed in lowland saline meadows of Xi- njiang desert region. 疏叶骆驼刺广泛分布于新疆平原荒漠地带的低地盐化草甸中。
- The Alhagi maurorum is a kind of salt tolerance and drought-endurin g legume.The content of protein is abundant. 骆驼刺是一种耐盐、抗旱、蛋白质含量丰富的多年生豆科牧草。
- This articale reports the morphological characters,histologicai stractures,chemicai and Physical identification of pharmacognosy on Cardaria draba(L.)Desv. 本文对群心菜的药材性状、组织结构和理化鉴别进行了生药学研究。
- Gymnogramme japonica Desv. [医] 日本裸子蕨,蛇眼草,凤了草
- Myricaria germanica Desv. 水柏枝
- Myricaria germanica(L.) Desv. 水柏枝
- Crotalaria mucronata Desv. [医] 猪屎豆
- Ophioglossum pedunculosum Desv. 有梗瓶尔小草
- Garcinia morella Desv. [医] 印度藤黄
- Phyllodium elegans Desv. 毛排钱树
- Mycenastrum corium Desv. 栓皮马勃
- Mycenastrum corium(Guers.)Desv. 栓皮马勃
- Desmodium Desv. 山蚂蝗属
- Desrnodiurn Desv. 山蚂蝗属
- Elytrigia Desv. 偃麦草属
- Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. 偃麦草