- The ivy twined round the oak tree. 长春藤盘绕着橡树。
- The picture was framed in, light oak. 照片镶在一个橡木镜框里。
- Great oak from little acorn grow. 大橡树生于小橡实。
- The ship was formally handed over to the Algerian Government. 这艘轮船正式移交给了阿尔及利亚政府。
- Oak is a good type of wood for making furniture. 橡木是制作家具的好材料。
- The wine is left to mature in oak barrels. 葡萄酒在橡木桶中陈酿。
- The birds nested in the oak tree. 鸟在橡树上筑巢。
- Algerian Oak 加那利栎,阿尔及利亚栎(壳斗科)
- There are many acorns on the oak tree. 这棵橡树上有很多橡子。
- We planned to floor our room with oak. 我们计划用橡木材料给房间铺地板。
- He had a12-foot length measured off from a piece of oak. 他让人从这块像树上锯下12英尺长的木块。
- He took off with his writer friend for Algeria. 他突然与他的作家朋友去了阿尔及利亚。
- The governor in Algeria, Chatel, was a weakling. 阿尔及利亚省长卓脱尔是个懦弱者。
- A big oak tree stood in front of the house. 一棵大橡树屹立在房子前面。
- Let's set the axe to that old oak tree. 咱们把那棵老橡树砍掉吧。
- The Algerian attack was the most deadly on a U. 这是自2003年以来,发生在阿尔及尔、针对联合国办公场所最致命的攻击。
- In Algeria it survives among the Kabyles. 在阿尔及利亚,它还存在于卡比尔人中间。
- She tied a yellow ribbon round the oak tree . 她把一条黄丝带缠绕在那棵橡树上。
- I grew up in France, Tunisia and Algeria. 我在法国、突尼斯和阿尔及利亚长大。
- Any of various similar trees or shrubs, such as the poison oak. 栎状树相似的树木或灌木,如栎叶漆树