- Alaska was once possessed by Russia. 阿拉斯加一度曾是俄国的领土。
- They were pioneers in the field of microsurgery. 他们是显微外科学领域的创始人。
- They were the pioneers of the American West. 他们是美国西部的开拓者。
- He was a pioneer in the use of X-rays. 他是最早使用X光的人。
- Nulato: on the Yukon River in western Alaska, was an Indian and Eskimo trading-site. 鲁那托:位于阿拉斯加西部的育空河沿岸,是一个与印地安人以及爱斯基摩人进行贸易的集散地。
- Alaska is at the western extremity of North America. 阿拉斯加在北美西部的尽头。
- An innovative leader in a field; a pioneer. 创始人某一领域内的革新领袖; 先驱
- The climate in Alaska is a far cry from that of Florida. 阿拉斯加与佛罗里达的气候相差甚远
- She was descended from a pioneer family. 她来自一个早期的开拓者家庭
- The Alaska Range stretches from Canada Yukon border in the east to the base of the Aleutian Range in the west. 阿拉斯加山脉东起加拿大的育空边境,向西一直延伸到阿留申山脉。
- When the Yukon River flooded, ice chunks, some as big as houses, damaged 16 homes and businesses in Eagle, Alaska. 育空河泛滥成灾,和房子一般大小的冰块摧毁了美国阿拉斯加州鹰市16座住宅和商店。
- Yukon of Canada, nearby Alaska, has a comfortable、exquisite polar environment of the Arctic Circle. 加拿大的域空,接近美国的阿拉斯加,拥有北极圈里舒适、优美的极地环境。
- His grandfather was one of the pioneers of flying. 他的外祖父是飞行的先驱者之一。
- The Young Pioneer saw the blind man across the road. 这个少先队员扶着盲人过了马路。
- Alaska still is a land of iceberg and polar bear. 阿拉斯加现在仍是冰山和北极熊的世界。
- Whitehorse, the territorial capital of the Yukon. 育空地区的首府白马市
- Alaska is the largest state in the United States. 阿拉斯加州是联邦中面积最大的州。
- Intrepid pioneers settled the American West. 无所畏惧的先驱者们在美国西部定居。
- Finally purchased a 2nd vehicle, GMC's Yukon. 终于买了第二辆车。结束了我们俩个人一台车的日子。
- The pioneers lived in rude cabins. 拓荒者住在简陋的小屋里。