- Aladar Gerevich 盖雷维奇
- She was married to critic and musicologist Aladar Toth (1898-1986); she is buried next to him in Budapest. 她嫁给了评论家和音乐阿拉达尔托特(1898至1986年);她被安葬在他旁边的布达佩斯。
- Journey back in time 65 million years, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and meet Aladar, an iguanodon accidentally separated from his own species while still inside the egg. 故事发生于六千五百万年前恐龙统领地球的时代,禽龙阿拉达未出世已经与家族失散,幸好牠在善良的狐猴部族中孵化及长大,当中包括俏皮的辛尼及富同情心的比奥。
- Gerevich 盖赖维奇
- aladarn. 阿莱德硅铝合金;硅铝明