- Research of Airplane Brake Assembly Spring Automatic Test System 自动式机轮刹车组件弹簧试验系统的设计
- Effects of brake conditions on microstructure of steel segment in powder metallurgy airplane brake assembly 刹车条件对航空刹车副钢对偶组织的影响
- The effects of brake conditions to microstructure of steel segment in powder metallurgy airplane brake assembly 制动条件对粉末冶金航空刹车副钢对偶金相组织的影响
- Research of the Intelligent Airplane Brake Assembly Test System and its Pressure Control 智能式飞机刹车组件试验系统及其压力控制研究
- Effects of Forging Technology on the Characteristics and Structure of Steel Segment in Airplane Brake Assembly 锻造工艺对航空刹车副钢对偶材料性能和组织的影响
- Airplane brake assembly 飞机刹车组件
- Please heck for brake assembly wear. 请检查刹车的磨损情况。
- Please check for brake assembly wear. 请检查刹车的磨损情况。
- Present situation and development of powder metallurgy airplane brake materials and primary properties of some domestic PM airplane brake materials were introduced in this paper. 综述了粉末冶金航空刹车材料的应用现状与发展状况,介绍了几种国产粉末冶金航空刹车材料的基本性能。
- Abstract: The colour, collapse phenomenon and chemical component of the friction surface of powder metallurgy airplane brake materials with different base are studied in this paper. 文摘:在不同的摩擦速度下,考察了铁基、铁铜基及铜基粉末冶金航空刹车材料摩擦面的变化情况。
- Brake assembly, Brake adjusting arm, Under Carriage parts, Gearbox for Automobile, casting of SG Iron and Grey Iron. 重卡车刹车毂总成,刹车调整臂总成,轮边减速器总成,底盘悬挂件。轻型车各种变速器壳体。各种球墨铸铁、灰铸铁汽车铸件。
- We mainly produce motorcycle Aluminium Wheel Assembly,Clutches Assembly,Brake Assembly,Engine Assembly,Countershaft Assembly and Four-wheel Dune Buggy Aluminium Wheel. 主要要产品:摩托车铝轮总成、联轴器总成、制动器总成、发动机主、副轴组件、以及四轮沙滩车铝轮。
- The products include front and rear axle assembly, transmission assembly, brake assembly, track and saddle assembly and chassis and so on, altogether more than 1000 kinds of parts. 产品包括前后桥总成、变速箱总成、制动器总成、牵引鞍座总成和汽车底盘等各种零配件1000余种。
- The newspaper got a scoop on the airplane crash. 该报独家报导了那次飞机失事。
- Bicycle components that are replacement parts, such as wheels, pedals, or brake assemblies. 自行车组件(替换零件),例如,车轮、踏板或刹车部件。
- Aiming for guarantying the products performance, all hydraulic disk brake assembles must receive on-line tests. 为了保证摩托车液压盘式制动器的生产品质,必须对其制动性能进行准确、快速、有效的在线质量检测。
- The airplane overran the runway. 飞机滑行超过跑道。
- Ten fen between spring brake assembly line 弹簧制动气室装配线
- He taught Tom how to make a model airplane. 他教汤姆作模型飞机的方法。