- Airborne Forward Air Control 机载前进空中控制
- Airborne Forward Air Controller 空中前进控制官
- The O-2 Skymaster was a forward air controller aircraft during the war. 的O - 2空中霸王是一个前进空中控制飞机在战争期间。
- SF are expected to be familiar with how to act as a Forward Air Controller( FAC) a Forward Observer( FO)- both topics are covered on the next page. 特种部队士兵要学会如何扮演前线的飞机指挥员(AC)前线观测员,这在后面章节会介绍到。
- Aside from avionics, pilot proficiencies developed in close air support and forward air controller missions apply to the CSAR mission. 除了航电系统,飞行员在近距离空中支援和在战斗搜寻与救援任务当中前线空中管制任务中的熟练程度也很重要。"
- The air support was directed with great precision by a Luftwaffe forward air controller in an armoured halftrack with the attack troops. 空中支援由乘坐一辆半履带装甲车的空军前线观察员来精确引导。
- Radar Beacon Forward Air Controller 前进空中管制官雷达信标
- the French, in fact, utilized airborne radio-equipped observers who functioned essentially as forward air controllers (FACs) beginning as early as the Rif War of the 1920s in North Africa. 早在1920年北非的‘里夫’战争中(译注:法国联合西班牙对摩洛哥北部名为‘里夫’的部落的战争,属于镇压殖民地反抗的性质),法国人实际上就利用装备了机载无线电设备的观察员扮演前线空中管制员(FAC)的角色。
- Joint Forward Air Controllers Training and Standards Unit 联合前进空中控制官训练与标准化小队
- Forward Air Control 前方空中管制
- Forward Air Control Center 前进空中管制中心
- The airborne forward条ooking windshear weather radar is a sort of microwave Doppler radar.Jt has weather detection, turbulence detection,windshear detection and other functions. 机载前视风切变气象雷达是具有气象、湍流、低空风切变探测等功能的微波多谱勒雷达。
- Forward Air Control Point 前进空中控制点
- Forward Air Control Team 前进空中控制小组
- Joint Air Forward Air Control 联合前沿航空管制(中心)
- Create the Exercise Plan that can simulate air control on DRS by real signal. 根据实际信号生成训练计划,生成的培训训练计划可以在DRS98雷达模拟机上进行管制模拟;
- The prince is a member of a group called Joint Tactical Air Control, or JTAC. 王子是JTAC(联合目标攻击控制员)中的一名成员.;他拥有军衔-相当于少尉-前进空中控制员
- Airborne Tactical Air Control Capability 战术空军空中控制能力
- Airborne Tactical Air Control System 机载空中战术控制系统