- Air Force Security Officer 空军安全官
- An air force helicopter rescued three people, including the mall's chief security officer, from the roof, Rahman said. 空军的一架直升机救起3人,包括从屋顶救起该商场的首席安全官,拉赫曼说。
- Randt worked as the China representative of the National Council for United States-China Trade and, from 1968 to 1972, he served in the United States Air Force Security Service. 从1968到1972年,他在美国空军的安全部门任职。
- Air Force Security Assistance Center 空军安全协助中心
- Air Force Security Service Office of production 空军保密局生产处
- Philippine Air Force Security Command 菲律宾空军保密司令部
- United States Air Force Security Policy Academy 美国空军保安宪兵学院
- United States Air Force Security Service 美国空军保密局
- Air Force Security Assistance Management Review 空军安全协助管理审查
- Air Force Security Assistance Training 空军安全援助训练
- Air Force Special Security Office 空军特种安全办公室
- Air Force Security Clearance Office 空军忠诚调查处
- Air Force Security Communications Center 空军保密通信中心
- Then I had a stint as security officer in Hong Kong. 我那时在香港做过一阵护卫员。
- Air Force Security Police Agency 空军安全政策局
- Air Force Security Service Office 空军保密局办事处
- A young Air Force officer served as lunar module pilot for Apollo 16. 一位年轻的空军军官担任了阿波罗16号登月舱的驾驶员。
- He flashed his pass at the security officer. 他向保安官员亮了一下通行证。
- Now, men are enlisting for the air force. 现正在招募空军。
- I've been interviewed by that new security officer. 我还被那个新上任的安全官盘问了一番。