- The planes dropped relief supplies to the stricken area. 飞机向灾区空投救灾物资。
- Function: Air Drop a random kill streak or ammo. 功能:随机空投连胜杀死或弹药。
- The planes airdropped relief supplies to the stricken area. 飞机向灾区空投救灾物资。
- They are requesting air drop of foodstuffs to the flooded area. 他们要求对洪灾地区空投食品。
- Place USAID logo stickers on all incoming relief supplies containers. 在所有救援物资的容器上贴上美国国际开发署的标签.
- Relief supplies were rushed in. 救济品已急速送到。
- They are requesting air drops of foodstuffs to the flooded areas. 他们要求对洪灾地区空投食品。
- Flooding victims scamper for relief supplies being airdropped by air force helicopter crewmen at San Mateo township, Rizal province, east of Manila, Philippines, Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2009. 洪灾受害者疾走的救援物资正由空军在圣马刁镇,黎刹省,马尼拉,菲律宾,星期二,2009年9月29日东部船员直升机空投。
- The relief supplies sent to the disaster area were certainly a timely source of help. 救灾物资及时送到灾区,真是雪中送炭。
- The Indian Air Force (IAF) was not used for any offensive action and was only confined to air dropping supplies to the troops. 印度空军只参加了空投补给的行动,没有进行任何攻击行动。
- Relief supplies for Turkish earthquake victims are presented in a special ceremony. 援助土耳其大地震赈灾品捐赠仪式。
- After distributing the relief supplies, our truck convoy returned to San Pedro de Macoris. 完成了物资的发放后,卡车护送我们回到城里。
- Helicopters from the U.S.Navy aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln delivered, and in some cases air dropped, supplies in remote parts of Indonesia's Aceh province. 从美国海军林肯号航空母舰上起飞的直升飞机正向印尼亚齐省的一些边远地区运送和空投救援物资。
- Thus, local vendors were contacted and within a few hours all the relief supplies were purchased. 经过电话的联系,同修在数小时内便购足了所有的赈济品。
- Coordinate the preparation and transport of equipment, tools, and relief supplies. 协调关于装备、工具和救济补给的准备和运输。
- Relief supplies now are regularly being flown into Rangoon.And, Byrs says it now is much easier for U. 尽管如此,如果跟强热带风暴刚过的几个星期相比,人道主义局势已得到改善。
- Relief supplies are on the way to Samoa and American Samoa following the tsunami that crashed into the islands. 海啸过后,救灾物资正在运往萨摩亚,美属萨摩亚群岛在海啸中陷入一片汪洋。
- Aid has begun arriving from other countries, with Russia sending a plane with 30 tons of relief supplies. 随着俄罗斯派遣飞机运送30吨救灾物资,其他国家的援助开始(陆续)抵达。
- By September, the Germans had taken the railroads, cutting Leningrad off from the rest of Russia, and the only sources of supplies and reinforcements were by air dropping or by crossing Lake Ladoga. 到9月,德国占领了铁路,切断列宁格勒与俄罗斯其他地方联系,只能靠的补给和援助的资源来自空投或穿越拉多加湖。
- Burma's government has rejected offers to use other country's military helicopters to carry relief supplies. 缅甸政府还拒绝接受其它国家提供军用直升机运送救援物资的提议。