- Its aim is nothing less than to draw up an internationally agreed framework ofr decentralization and the practice of local democracy. 其目的就是构建一个国际社会认可的框架来推行非集权化和当地的民主建设。
- Origin and Evolution of the DPRK-U.S. Nuclear Agreed Framework 朝美核框架协议的来龙去脉
- the 1994 Agreed Framework capping North Korea rs nuclear activities 1994年制止朝鲜核活动的框架性协议
- He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace. 他很大方地承认自己错了。
- The tax inspector agreed the figures. 税务稽查员核准了这些数字。
- It's a bridge of steel framework. 那是座钢铁结构的桥梁。
- On reflection, he agreed to the plan. 经考虑后,他同意了这项计划。
- The boss agreed to meet the strikers half way. 老板同意向罢工者做出让步。
- He agreed to testify on behalf of the accused man. 他同意为被告作证。
- We've agreed on Spain for our holiday next year. 我们一致同意明年去西班牙度假。
- In a weak moment, I agreed to pay for her holiday. 我一时心软同意了支付她度假的费用。
- It was agreed that another meeting was necessary. 大家一致认为有必要再开一次会。
- She reluctantly agreed to let the matter drop. 她勉强同意这事到此为止。
- The terms have now been agreed to. 这些条件现在得到了同意。
- Agreed Framework between the United States of America and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Agreed Framework) 美利坚合众国和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国之间的框架协议(框架协议);框架协议
- They finally consented (ie agreed) to go with us. 他们终於同意了和我们一块走。
- He agreed to let me go home early. 他同意让我早些回家。
- The editor agreed to reprint your article in the next issue. 编辑同意将你的文章重刊在下一期上。
- Mary agreed to double the part of the dancer and the mother. 玛丽同意扮演舞女和母亲两个角色。
- A framework to support or strengthen a mine or shaft. 井壁基架用来支承或加固矿井的构筑