- Hungarian Olympic champion swimmer Agnes Kovacs announced on Wednesday that she would not compete in the Beijing Olympic Games, MTI news agency reported. 奥运会金牌得主、匈牙利游泳名将科瓦奇9日在布达佩斯举行的新闻发布会上宣布,她将不参加北京奥运会。
- Agnes Kovacs 阿格内斯·科瓦奇
- It was in 1934 that I met Agnes Smedley. 我是在1934年认识艾格妮丝·史沫特莱的。
- Agnes used the name Rusty Knails as her pen name. 艾格妮丝使用的笔名是Rusty Knails。
- One morning, Agnes was riding her bike to school. 一天早上,艾格尼丝正骑着自行车走在去学校的路上。
- One morning,Agnes was riding her bike to school. 一天早上,艾格尼丝正骑着自行车走在去学校的路上。
- Much happiness came to Agnes in this Yan'an period. 艾格妮丝在延安这段时期,经历了许多使她感到欢快的事情。
- Agnes Hsia is a senior consultant of Husonbay. 夏雪明女士现任恒信和益高级管理顾问。
- Agnes : So? What does that have to do with Allan? 阿格尼丝:这样呢?这是什么都与艾伦?
- Our thanks to Emerald DD Agnes Lau for this recipe. 鸣谢:食谱由翡翠直系刘车泳芝提供。
- I had never seen Agnes cry before. 以前我从未见阿格尼斯哭过。
- "What's phase one?" Agnes asked. (“第一阶段是怎样的?”艾丽丝问道。)
- Ah, what a good daughter my Agnes is! 啊,我的阿格尼斯是个多好的女儿!
- Agnes :Keep your voice down, Melinda. 阿格尼丝:让您的声音了,梅林达。
- For registration, please contact Agnes Chang. 有意让子女参加者,请与张爱莹报名。
- Agnes was all done up in a slinky black number. 艾格尼丝盛装打扮,着一身黑色衣服,窈窕动人。
- Neighbor: Oh, well what happened Agnes? 邻居:噢,艾妮丝,到底发生了什么事啦?
- Borussia Dortmund have snapped up Juventus defender Robert Kovac. 多特蒙德已经准备尽快够入尤文图斯后卫罗伯特·科瓦奇。
- At this time in Shanghai Agnes was involved in many things. 这一时期的艾格妮丝在上海插手的活动极多。
- Her mother was dead, with Agnes to look after her father's house . 艾格尼丝的母亲死了,由她来照顾她父亲的房子。