- Turkish is an agglutinative language. 土耳其语是一种胶著语。
- That is to say, I don't like agglutinative languages and inflecting languages. 就是说,我不喜欢黏着语和屈折语。
- Malay is an agglutinative language, and new words are formed by three methods. 巫文是黏著语,新词由三种方法形成。
- Abstract: Human languages are classified into isolating language, inflectional language and agglutinative language by the linguists. 文章摘要: 语言学家们把人类语言分为:孤立语,曲折语,粘着语。
- Uighur language is a type of agglutinative language, in which words are formed by attaching suffixes to a stem. 维语是一种粘性语言,在这一类语言中词是由词根加词缀构成,理论上维语的词汇量是无限的。
- Uyghur language is a type of agglutinative language, in whichwords are formed by attaching suffixes a stem. 维吾尔语是一种粘性语言,在这一类语言中词是由词根加词缀构成。
- Often many suffixes in an agglutinative language correspond to a single inflectional ending in an inflectional language. 一种粘合的语言通常会有很多后缀在里面,相对应于屈析语言里面的一个单一的屈折结尾。
- Old English was an agglutinative language like German, but as it evolved into modern English, it became almost as analytic as Chinese. 哪种构词法更形象,更简单,更便于记忆?另外,中文的成语,典故,对联,字谜,诗词,书法,绕口令,也是其他语言无法比拟的。中文是人类的一个奇迹!
- Japanese is the representative of the agglutinative language.This article has put basis on the elaboration of the agglutinative language and carried on the exploration to SOV word order in Japanese. 日语则是粘着语的代表,本文将对粘着语的特点进行阐述,并对日语的SOV语序(主语+(助词)+宾语+(助词)+谓语的结构)进行了探索。
- He has an aptitude for languages. 他具有学习语言的才能。
- My friend Terry reads and writes several languages. 我的朋友特里能用几种语言看书和写作。
- There are much obscene languages in this book. 这本书中有很多淫秽的语言。
- French and Portuguese are Romance languages. 法语和葡萄牙语都是罗曼语。
- I have no talent for acquiring foreign languages. 我没有学习外国语言的才能。
- The film is dubbed into six languages. 这部电影用6种语言配音。
- Many languages have Latin as their base. 许多语言都以拉丁语为基础。
- Languages develop continually through usage. 语言在使用中不断发展。
- He has a good feel for languages. 他很有语感。
- The Canadian-Japanese is at home in both languages. 那个加拿大籍日本人两种语言都精通。
- Rendering poetry into other languages is difficult. 翻译诗歌是很困难的。