- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- Afghanistan syndrome 阿富汗综合症
- They had to look outside of Afghanistan for help. 他们必须在阿富汗以外寻求帮助。
- Afghanistan has not regained full stability. 阿富汗局势尚未完全稳定。
- Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan in 1979. 苏联军队年入侵了阿富汗。
- A unit of currency in Afghanistan. 普尔阿富汗的一种货币单位
- Chagrin discovered this in Afghanistan in 1994. 查格林于1994年在阿富汗工作时发现了这一事实。
- GI killed in attack in southern Afghanistan. 美国大兵在阿富汗南部的袭击中丧生。
- I wrote it during the Afghanistan war. 这首歌是我在阿富汗战争期间写的。
- Embassy of the Islamic State of Afghanistan?? 阿富汗伊斯兰国大使馆??
- In those situations, savant syndrome may appear. 在这些情况下,学者症候群就可能出现。
- The reconstruction of Afghanistan is under way. 阿富汗重建进程启动。 朝鲜半岛总体缓和的趋势得到保持。
- In Afghanistan, it was completely different. 在阿富汗,情况就完全不同了。
- Heroin from Afghanistan is coming in too. 来自阿富汗的海洛因也会到达同样的地点。
- He bought the farm in Afghanistan. 他阵亡在阿富汗,而不是他在阿富汗买地。
- The spots on his throat are part of a syndrome. 他嗓子里的红斑是一种综合征的部分症状。
- Afghanistan has also shown 3)improvement. 阿富汗的情况亦有起色。
- This word possesses a syndrome of meanings. 这个词有多种含义。
- Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries. 阿富汗是最贫穷的国家之一。
- Sometimes l wish my wife had Goldfield Syndrome. 有时候我真希望我老婆有金氏综合症。