- Aegilops triaristatan. 短穗山羊草
- Study on Genetic Diversity of Triticum Aestivum and Aegilops tauschii. 山羊草及普通小麦遗传多样性的研究。
- The dried acorn cups of an oak tree(Quercus aegilops)of the eastern Mediterranean, used chiefly in tanning and dyeing. 榭斗,橡碗生于地中海东部的(大鳞栎栎属)橡树的干橡果壳斗,主要用于制革和染料
- Studies on cytogenetics and biochemisty of the offsprings between A. Magna and Aegilops ventricosa L. 野生大燕麦和偏凸山羊草后代的遗传研究。
- The dried acorn cups of an oak tree(Quercus aegilops)of the eastern Mediterranean,used chiefly in tanning and dyeing. 榭斗,橡碗生于地中海东部的(大鳞栎栎属)橡树的干橡果壳斗,主要用于制革和染料
- The dried acorn cups of an oak tree(Quercus aegilops) of the eastern Mediterranean, used chiefly in tanning and dyeing. 榭斗,橡碗生于地中海东部的(大鳞栎栎属)橡树的干橡果壳斗,主要用于制革和染料
- The results showed that mesosulfuron can control Aegilops tauschii Coss. before three leave stage. 结果表明,甲基二磺隆在节节麦3叶期前用药,推荐剂量下防效80%25左右。
- The esterase isozyme of 30 accessions of Aegilops tauschii were studied by means of polyarylamide gel electrophoresis. 对30份不同来源的节节麦进行4个时期的酯酶同工酶分析。
- The results showed that Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm had fine effects on wheat flowering habits and characteristics. 结果表明,粗山羊草细胞质对普通小麦开花习性具有优良的作用;
- The results would provide useful information for exploiting desired traits in Aegilops tauschii. 研究表明,85份节节麦材料遗传多样性较高,为节节麦的有效利用提供了依据。
- The Karyotype analysis of Aegilops with special reference to the relationship between the genus and Triticum. 山羊草属核型分析及其与小麦属的进化关系。
- The results showed that the hybrid between Aegilops ventricosa L. and A. magna was a real hybrid. 通过本研究初步证明了野生大燕麦和偏凸山羊草杂种的真实性。
- So Aegilops tauschii is a valuable source of genes for the modern common commercial wheat development. 本文综述近20年来国内外对节节麦遗传评价、研究应用等方面的进展。
- The results showed among Aegilops species mentioned above there also existed the important sources of resistance to the aphids. variabilis共 4 8份材料中 ,高抗占 16份 ,中抗占 15份 ,低抗占 13份 ,仅 4份感蚜 ,表明上述山羊草属中存在重要的抗禾谷缢管蚜资源
- The 19 Aegilops species accessions should be used to cross with common wheat for elite genes transferring and genetic diversity enhancing. 聚类分析结果表明,同一属种的材料基本上聚为一类,19份山羊草属种的D染色体组与普通小麦的D染色体组之间存在较大的遗传差异,可供小麦远缘杂交以丰富栽培小麦遗传多样性。
- The result showed that the dominant weeds in Xingtai were Alopecurus japonicus Steud, Aegilops tauschii Coss and Bromus japonicus Thunb. 结果表明:邢台市麦田主要禾本科杂草为节节麦、日本看麦娘和雀麦。
- The genetic effects of Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm were studied by transferring Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm into wheat. 将粗山羊草细胞质导入普通小麦,研究其对普通小麦细胞核的遗传效应。
- Abstract: The genetic effects of Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm were studied by transferring Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm into wheat. 摘 要: 将粗山羊草细胞质导入普通小麦,研究其对普通小麦细胞核的遗传效应。
- The genetic diversity of D genome in 19 Aegilops species accessions from CIMMYT and CAAS was compared with three Sichuan common wheat by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. 选用24对D染色体组特异性微卫星(SSR)标记引物,将19份山羊草属种的D染色体组与3个普通小麦的D染色体组的遗传多样性进行了比较分析。
- Aegilops tauschii is D-genome donor of common wheat,and the useful genes of Ae.tauschii can be easily transferred into modern commercial wheat by gene combination. 节节麦是六倍体普通小麦的祖先种之一,D染色体组的供体种;但其遗传变异远比普通小麦的D染色体组丰富。