- Dengue fever is caused by the sting of Aedes aegypt L. and Aedes albopictus Skuse. 摘要登革热系经由埃及斑蚊及白线斑蚊携带登革热病毒叮咬宿主所致。
- Genus Aedes Meigen, Aedes albopictus Skuse; 伊蚊属,白蚊伊蚊;
- The Analysis of Ecology Investigation on Drngue Fever'Vector of Transmission of Aedes Albopictus Skuse at Fuzhou Port 福州港登革热传播媒介白纹伊蚊生态调查分析
- Aedes albopictus Skuse 白纹伊蚊
- Will one develop dengue fever if bitten by Aedes albopictus? 被白纹伊蚊叮咬,是否便会感染登革热?
- There were 38808 Culex fatigans and 711 Aedes albopictus captured. 共收集致倦库蚊38808只,白纹伊蚊711只。
- Results There were 38808 Culex fatigans and 711 Aedes albopictus captured. 结果共收集致倦库蚊38808只,白纹伊蚊711只。
- Results There were 38 808 Culex fatigans and 711 Aedes albopictus captured. 结果共收集致倦库蚊38808只,白纹伊蚊711只。
- The mosquito Aedes albopictus, a vector known to transmit the disease, can be found in Hong Kong. 传播此病的媒介白纹伊蚊在香港亦可见到。
- Conclusion The density of Aedes albopictus in the Dahe village nearby airport was higher than other surveillant regions. 当地白纹伊蚊主要孽生环境为旧缸罐和桶类积水,分别占阳性容器的62.;50%25和23
- Dengue fever is tra mitted by Aedes albopictus, a mosquito commonly found in Hong Kong. 登革热的传播要靠白纹伊蚊,这种蚊虫在香港随处可见。
- Results Eight of 32 terpenoids compounds displayed the repellent activity to Aedes albopictus. 结果32个萜类化合物中有8个化合物表现出对白纹伊蚊具有一定的驱避活性。
- Results The invading pests are a kind of flying insects, Culex pipiens fatigans and Aedes albopictus . 结果滋扰乘客的有害生物为飞行害虫,滋扰后人体症状为粒状红斑,奇痒,发生于人体裸露部位。
- Dengue fever is 12)transmitted by Aedes albopictus, a mosquito commonly found in Hong Kong. 登革热的传播要靠白纹伊蚊,这种蚊虫在香港随处可见。
- Conclusion Zymplex had certain killing effect against Culex quinque fasciatus and Aedes albopictus. 结论 净普力对各龄蚊幼具有持效杀灭作用;对蚊卵孵化有抑制作用。
- Objective To study the control effect of source reduction to Aedes albopictus population. 摘要目的观察蚊虫孳生地治理控制白纹伊蚊的效果。
- The biting rate for Aedes albopictus were 0.33 and 6.22/h. m in the aviation food-plant and the Dahe village. 宿舍区、食品厂和大鹤村白纹伊蚊成蚊刺叮率分别为0.;22、0
- Dengue fever is transmitted by Aedes albopictus, a mosquito commonly found in Hong Kong. 登革热的传播要*纹伊蚊,这种蚊虫在香港随处可见。
- Objective To understand the distribution of Aedes albopictus, the transmission vector of dengue fever in Yunnan Province. 目的了解登革热主要传播媒介白纹伊蚊、埃及伊蚊在云南的分布情况。
- Objective: To study the characterized distribution of Aedes albopictus and it s natural infection of arboviruses in Yunnan province. 目的:阐明白纹伊蚊分布特点,掌握其自然感染虫媒病毒情况。