- Advanced Unit Base 前进部队基地
- The bolt holes are in the unit base. 螺栓孔在单元的基部。
- Advanced units are constantly emerging. 先进单位不断涌现。
- An advanced unit cell model was put forward to evaluate the settlement of deformable pile under flexible foundation. 摘要为了分析柔性基础下柔性桩复合地基的沉降问题,提出了改进的单元体位移模型。
- I was street municipal government granted "advanced unit of the population of family planning work". 我街道被市委、市政府授予“人口计划生育工作先进单位”称号。
- The track system trolley features a unique dovetail mounting design which securely holds the power unit base in position for maximum accuracy. 独特的雁尾槽设计,使得轨道系统牢固地托起动力单元座,使切割精度大大提高。
- As "advanced unit in Yuhang Branch Reform," at the Sino-Thai Industrial Park, production and sales ranked third. 评为“余杭科改先进单位”,在中泰工业园区产销量排名第三。
- The other is a special unit based in Prostejov, south Moravia. 这就是北约盟军的战斗力,难怪美国佬挠头。
- In 1996, YTC was granted by the National Economic and Trade Committee as an advanced unit for "Comprehensive Utilization of the National Resources". 1996年云锡被国家经贸委授予“全国资源综合利用”先进单位。
- The hope suffers commending advanced unit and advanced individual to make persistent efforts, guard against arrogance, gain greater success. 希望受表彰的先进单位和先进个人再接再厉,戒骄戒躁,取得更大成绩。
- Yangxin County, was awarded several times "Ten large taxpayer" and "re-employment in Huangshi City, an advanced unit" and the honorary title. 多次荣获阳新县“十大纳税大户”和“黄石市再就业先进单位”等荣誉称号。
- Board system also received the honorable title of advanced unit in the system of national construction by the MOC briefing recognition. 局系统还获得了全国建设系统先进单位光荣称号,受到国家建设部的通报表彰。
- She has asked a leading poison unit based in New Zealand to analyze hemlock. 她求助于驻在新西兰技术先进的毒药部门来化验芹叶钩吻毒药。
- Dynamics simulation of hydraulic beam pumping unit based on 3D model. 液压游梁式抽油机的三维动力学特性仿真
- In 2003, the University was evaluated an advanced unit by Shanghai Education Committee and Administration of Shanghai Municipal Working Committee for the elderly. 上海市退休职工大学在2003年被上海市教委、上海市老龄委办公室光荣评为上海市老年教育先进集体;
- In 2003, SiWu was given commendation to the advanced unit for the Factory Affairs Public provincially by Henan Leading Group for the Factory Affairs Public. 2003年,第四物探大队被河南省厂务公开领导小组评为省厂务公开工作先进集体。
- Moreover, military appropriations during the thirties had restricted training to a unit basis. 在本世纪三、四十年代中,美国军费仅以训练部队骨干为满足。
- Allows the Monolith to summon more advanced units from their tombs below the planet's surface. 让巨型独石在行星的表面下面召唤来自他们的坟墓比较高阶单位。
- The function of siphon unit based on fluid mechanics siphon principle is to control turnon and turnoff of pump outflow. 虹吸管出水断流装置是基于流体力学虹吸原理、控制水泵出水通与断的装置。
- The process flowsheet of PET unit based on home technology and equipment was introduced. 介绍了采用国产化技术装备的聚酯装置工艺流程。