- Advanced Shuttle Rocket Motor 高级航天飞机火箭发动机
- Eagar M A,Jordan F W.A robust ballistic design approach for the space shuttle advanced solid rocket motor[R].AIAA 93-2058. 李晓斌;张为华;陈小前.;近似方法在多学科设计优化中的应用研究
- The new ace vehicle design uses shuttle rocket parts, an Apollo-style ca ule and a lander capable of carrying four people to the moon. 新一代航天工具的设计采用了运载火箭部件、和“阿波罗”号类似的太空舱和一个能够搭载四名探月宇航员的登陆舱。
- Rocket motor cases and the specially designed production equipment therefor. 四、火箭发动机的壳体及为其专门设计的生产设备。
- Four nozzles, canted outboard, split the exhaust of the solid rocket motor into four equal tails. 四个向外倾斜的喷管把固体火箭发动机的排气流分成四个相等的尾巴。
- Rocket motors have many advantages over other forms of propulsion. 火箭发动机比其他推进器有许多优点。
- There is a rocket motor on the satellite by which the direction of the satellite can be changed if necessary. 在卫星上还有一个火箭马达,必要时可以用它来改变卫星的方向。
- According to the requirement of pasty propellant rocket motor, a composite plasma igniting plan was adopted. 摘要根据膏体推进剂火箭发动机。
- The influence of structure axial vibration on the internal ballistics of solid rocket motor was investigated. 文中研究了固体发动机结构的轴向振动对燃烧室内弹道性能的影响。
- The shuttle rocketed up into the sky at a tremendous speed, as usual, and everyoune cheered. 像往常一样,火箭以极快的速度冲上了天,每个人都欢呼起来。
- Investigated charring erosive characters of internal insulation of solid rocket motor under flight acceleration. 研究了固体火箭发动机内绝热层在飞行加速度条件下的炭化烧蚀特性。
- The thrust vector control(TVC) performance test of solid rocket motor is presented in this paper. 本文介绍了固体火箭发动机水下推力矢量特性试验。
- A response surface method(RSM) for structure reliability analysis of solid rocket motor(SRM) grain was presented. 发展了一种固体火箭发动机药柱结构可靠度分析的响应面法。
- The preliminary design data for the k APPA-DX rocket motor is presented in this web page. 初步设计数据的K appa -的DX火箭发动机是在这方面的网页。
- Buckling analysis on rear dome of solid rocket motor case was studied by means of ANSYS. 用ANSYS软件对固体发动机壳体后封头进行了外压屈曲分析。
- Crose J G.Reliability of solid rocket motor cases and nozzles[R].NTI S,N93-22103. 王松柏.;固体火箭发动机壳体结构的动态可靠性设计[J]
- Finite element method is used in the study of nozzle damping of instable combustion in a solid rocket motor. 应用有限单元法研究固体火箭发动机不稳定燃烧中的喷管阻尼,并用波衰减对比法进行了试验研究。
- Carbon/carbon composites have become the most ideal materials for nozzles of solid rocket motor (SRM). 摘要C/C复合材料已成为固体火箭发动机(SRM)最理想的喷管材料。
- Space debris made news on March twelfth when a part of an old rocket motor about ten centimeters in size threatened the International Space Station. 空间碎片在三月二十日那天就制造了一个新闻:一个大约十厘米大小的旧火箭马达威胁着国际空间站。
- Rocket motor test shows that the new UDMH/NTO bipropellant can satisfy the requirement of gel propellant of rocket motor design. 发动机试验表明:新的UDMH/NTO双组元凝胶体系能够满足发动机设计对凝胶推进剂的要求。