- Advanced Development Group 高级发展小组
- DEVGRU: Naval Special Warfare Development Group. 海军特种作战强化大队。
- We own the superior management and Electrical appliances Development Group equipped by advanced technology and high-temprature machine nary facility. 公司拥有高级管理层和尖端专业技术的电器研发组装队伍以及高温机械组装设备。
- Suzhou Industrial Park Genway Development Group Co., Ltd. 苏州工业园区建屋发展集团有限公司。
- Suzhou New District Economic Development Group Head Co. 苏州新区经济发展集团总公司。
- Management of the Baseband design and development group. 基带小组的管理工作。.
- Establishing a communication link between customer and development group. 与客户及其开发团队建立并保持有效的沟通联系。
- The FAO project is funded by the UN Development Group Iraq Trust Fund. 粮农组织的项目由联合国发展小组伊拉克信托基金资助。
- Abstract In this article, advanced development of micellization of block copolymer in selective solvent was introduced. 阐述了近年来嵌段共聚物在选择性溶剂中的胶束化研究进展。
- With advanced development in science and continuous study of scientists, mankind is beginning to learn more about the three Poles. 随著科技的发展和科学家们的默默研究,人类对三极的认识越来越多。
- The industrial structure optimization of the industrial structure refers to the advanced development and rationalization of the process. 产业结构优化是指产业结构向合理化和高级化发展的过程。
- Mr.Lee Myung-bak retrospected the rapidly advanced development between two countries after the diplomatic relations establishment. 李明博回顾了韩中建交以来,两国关系取得的突飞猛进的发展。
- Work with New Product Development groups at all locations. 配合所有地方新产品开发的要求。
- As I noted in 1989,nurturing scientists,musicians and artists may not have immediate economic benefits in store,but it is a sign of advanced development of a nation. 我1989年也提过,培养科学家、音乐家和艺术家虽不会即刻得到经济回报,但这却是国家高度发展的迹象。
- Please contact the ADC Development Group for sample availability and additional technical information. 请与ADI公司ADC发展部联系样片供应以及其他技术信息。
- It was suggested to the Committee that an age-dependent risk of intussusception might also apply to the 2 novel rotavirus vaccines that are currently in advanced development. 由此向委员会建议,这种发生肠套叠的年龄相关性风险可能也会出现在目前已进入后期研发阶段的两种新型轮状病毒疫苗。
- Please contact the DAC Development Group for sample availability and additional technical information. 欲了解样片供货情况并且获得更多的技术信息,请联系ADI公司的DAC开发部。
- As I noted in 1989, nurturing scientists, musicians and artists may not have immediate economic benefits in store, but it is a sign of advanced development of a nation. 我1989年也提过,培养科学家、音乐家和艺术家虽不会即刻得到经济回报,但这却是国家高度发展的迹象。
- Alexander E. Fleming Sector Manager Finance and Private Sector Development Group World Bank Institute. 亚历山大弗莱明先生是世界银行学院部门主任,负责世行学院在金融与私营部门发展领域的能力建设项目。