- Volatiles from wattles of Pinus massoniana and EAG responses of the adult Monochamus alternatus to the identified chemicals 马尾松枝条挥发性组分的鉴定及松墨天牛对其触角电生理反应
- Adult Monochamus alternatus 松墨天牛成虫
- Therefore biting nidi in healthy pines was another way of damage caused by Monochamus alternatus adults. 因此,在健康松树上咬筑刻槽是松墨天牛成虫的另一种危害方式。
- Does the contact sex pheromone of Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus, exist? 松墨天牛是否存在雌性接触信息素?
- It indicated:the muturation feeding of monochamus alternatus adults was mainly on one-year-old twigs. 室内测定雌成虫取食1年生树枝面积占总面积的36.;58%25,雄成虫占38
- The impact of stand types on the population quantities of Monochamus alternatus was not significant. 林分对松墨天牛种群影响不显著。
- WANG Lingping.2004.Study on the Biological Characteristic of Monochamus Alternatus Hope. Journal of Fujian Forest Science and Technology. 王玲萍;2004.;松墨天牛生物学特性的研究。福建林业科技。
- The results showed that the parasitical death rate of Sxleroderma guani on Monochamus alternatus raised with the increasing of touching S.guani. 利用管氏肿腿蜂及其携带球孢白僵菌进行室内防治松墨天牛幼虫试验,结果表明:管氏肿腿蜂对松墨天牛幼虫的寄生死亡率随着接蜂量的增加而提高。
- The results showed that the parasitical death rate of Sxleroderma guani on Monochamus alternatus raised with the increasing of touching S. guani. 摘要利用管氏肿腿蜂及其携带球孢白僵菌进行室内防治松墨天牛幼虫试验,结果表明:管氏肿腿蜂对松墨天牛幼虫的寄生死亡率随著接蜂量的增加而提高。
- Observation was done on Monochamus alternatus adults in Hangzhou city and Daishan county of Zhejiang province during 1997-1998. 1998年在浙江省杭州市和岱山县进行的松褐天牛成虫补充营养特性研究表明:松褐天牛成虫主要取食1年生树枝。
- Monochamus alternatus is not only an important pine forest pest,but also one of the most key vector for transmitting Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in China. 松墨天牛不仅是一种重要的森林害虫,还是松材线虫病的主要传播者。
- Principally pine stem- borers are Monochamus alternatus Hope,Arhopalus unicolor (Ganhan),Shirahoshizo patruelis (Voss),Hyposipalus gigas (Fabricius) ,Tomicus piniperda Linnaeus and other species in Scolyti- dae. 松树的主要蛀干害虫是松褐天牛、赤梗天牛Arhopalus unicolor Ganhan、马尾松角胫象Shirahoshizo patruelis Voss、松瘤象Hyposipalus gigas Fabricius和松纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicus piniperda Linnaeus等小蠹虫;
- Pine wilt disease is an important quarantine disease and Monochamus alternatus is one of main vector insects for the transmission of the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. 松材线虫病是一种重要的检疫性病害,松褐天牛是传播松材线虫的主要媒介昆虫。本实验研究了温度对松褐天牛传递松材线虫数量的影响。
- FJ-MA-02 attractant for Monochamus alternatu FJ-MA-02松墨天牛引诱剂
- beetle tissue of Monochamus alternatus 松墨天牛组织
- Pine wilt disease caused by nematode could be controlled with three ways: (1) Applying attractant to killing the vector, adult of Monochamus alternatus; 摘要采用3种方法防治松材线虫病:(1)利用天牛引诱剂诱杀松墨天牛成虫;
- Global potential geographical distribution of Monochamus alternatus 松墨天牛的全球潜在分布区分析
- He spent his adult life in Canada. 他在加拿大度过了他的成年时期。
- Effect and evaluation of light trapping on Monochamus alternatus 灯光诱杀松墨天牛的效果及评价
- His behavior is not particularly adult. 他的举止行为还不太成熟。