- Adhesions of uterus 子宫粘连
- Objective To explore the surgical style of fibromyoma of uterus. 目的研究子宫肌瘤病例资料,探讨子宫肌瘤治疗方式的选择。
- Lysis of adhesions of uterus 子宫粘连松解术
- DNT can be used to control bleeding after removal of uterus. DNT用来控制子宫切除后的出血。
- Sperm motility may also be influenced by the cul-de-sac adhesions of the uterus. 子宫后倾固定,宫颈向前变位难以接触精液池,影响了精子的输入;
- The adhesion of Seville was decisive. 塞维利亚的支持是决定性的。
- The risk of uterus cancer will increase after 6 cycles of oral clomid. 此药是否不能服用超过6次,否则会有副作用增加子宫颈癌的机会?
- Adhesion of Dry Solid Film Lubricants, Method of Test for (05. 干式固体薄膜润滑剂的粘合性的试验方法(05。
- The head portion of catheter w as bent in conformity to the shape of uterus. 该导管由导向导管、锥头导管、微导管和导丝4部分组成,导管头端据子宫形态分别弯曲成不同角度的3种形态。
- The act or process of agglutinating; adhesion of distinct parts. 粘结;胶合粘结的行为或过程;独立部分的粘结。
- Objective: To explore a nosurgical way for myoma of uterus of operation. 摘要目的:探索子宫肌瘤非手术治疗的新途径。
- But in group b,adhesion of peridural scar could be seen clearly. 生理盐水组硬膜外瘢痕粘连明显。
- Objective:To explore the value of myoma of uterus treated by laparoscopy. 目的:探讨腹腔镜治疗复杂子宫肌瘤的价值。
- Under the microscope,the adhesions of the caudal equine were separated and the filum was found out. 患者均采用腰骶部正中切口,手术范围包括圆锥下缘和终丝远端与骶部附着处。
- Objective The clinical characteristic of the ovary benign tumors of uterus around the menopause was analyzed. 目的分析绝经前后子宫卵巢良性肿瘤的临床特点,探讨此类人群的手术范围。
- PURPOSE: To evaluate the value of magnetic resonance arthrography (MRAr) on the diagnosis of intraarticular adhesions of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). 摘要评价磁共振造影对颞下颌关节上腔囊内粘连的诊断价值。
- Objective:To investigate the hysteroscopic treatment of the submucous myoma of uterus and the cervical polyp. 目的:探讨宫腔镜治疗子宫黏膜下肌瘤及子宫颈息肉的临床效果。
- So the minimal invasive lysis treatment for the inflammation and adhesions of the teres miner can be a method to treat cervical spondylosis and shoulder pain. 小圆肌松解术不仅可以治疗因局部无菌性炎症导致的颈肩痛,而且为神经根型颈椎病的治疗开辟了一条新的途径。
- Evaluation of "U" incision of uterus low segment during caesarean section in second stage of labour. 第二产程剖宫产子宫下段“U”字型切口的应用
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?