- Ade was furious at heart. 艾德心里很气愤。
- I was furious at his making such an accusation. 我对他的这种责备非常气愤。
- The emperor was furious at what Valentinus did. 皇帝对瓦仑廷斯的所作所为大为光火。
- He'll be furious at being kept waiting. "如果让他久等,他会大发雷霆的。"
- She was furious at being denied admittance. 不让她进去她很生气。
- But mostly, she was furious at herself for not having thought of it first. 但她最气的是她自己居然没有最先想出这个办法。
- She was furious at being upstaged by her younger sister. 她被妹妹抢去风头,感到气愤不已。
- The Chief Petty Officer was furious at me for making such a dive, at my age, and in not very good condition. 海军上士因为我的年纪已大并且在这种不利的条件下去进行这样的潜水而发愁。
- Father was furious at his behavior because he had stolen some money from the family. 一会,妈妈觉得有点不对劲儿,会不会话说得太重了,伤了孩子的自尊心?
- The Queen Mother of the West was furious at Sun Wukong because he ruined her peach party. 因为孙悟空搅了蟠桃盛会,西王母大发雷霆。
- When Lampert found out, he was furious at Burkle's apparent end run. "It jolted me back to reality," he says. 外界的反应让他颇为震惊:个别人认为绑架事件是他一手策划的,为的是争取更多时间。
- RAO: The public was furious at the time. Did you expect that sort of a backlash? 主持人:当时大众群情激愤,你有没有意料到会有这么大的影响。
- Shugart's father was furious at me, and angrily told me that I wasn't fit to be Commander in Chief. 舒格特的父亲对我大发雷霆,愤怒地告诉我,我不配做三军总司令。
- Passepartout was furious at the delay they occasioned, and longed to discharge his arsenal of revolvers upon them. 所以目前从旧金山到纽约,是由一条至少有三千七百八十六英里长的完整的铁路线连结起来的。
- When Tanya learned that Mark had been two-timing her, she was furious at his duplicity. 当坦尼娅得知马克与第三者暗中亲热对她不忠时,她对他搞两面派怒不可遏。
- Some were wounded, one and all were furious at their ill-success and long exposure. 有几个受了伤,大家对这一次的失败和整天暴露在天外,感到愤怒。
- The old women was sick at heart at the thought of that. 这个老妇人一想到那件事就伤心。
- Victims' groups were furious at the acquittals and perceived leniency of some of the sentences. 受害者团体对法庭的无罪判决和宽大处理表示愤慨。
- She felt sick at heart when she heard the bad news. 她听到这不幸的消息感到很难过。
- The 12th was scheduled to attack east of Metz, Bradley reminded Eisenhower, and point out that Patton would be furious at having to call off offensive. 按计划,第12装甲师任务是进攻梅斯以东,布莱德利提醒艾森豪威尔,巴顿对终止他的攻势会吵闹个没完。