- Adachi Tatsuo 足立达夫(1915-),日本人,官员。
- Shall I start the tour now, Mr. Adachi? 安立先生,现在要我开始带领参观吗?
- Kumi Adachi Club Pangaea / Winners! (CD+DVD)(安达久美 Club Pangaea / 优胜!
- Tatsuo Horita ,a banker from Japan ,is visiting with an officer of the Bank of England . 来自日本的银行家堀田达夫正在与英格兰银行的一位高级职员闲谈,
- Adachi's patients include a 55-year-old woman who had to undergo blood transfusion and dialysis due to jaundice induced by the weight loss drug. 足立的病人包括一名五十五岁的妇人,她在服用这种减肥药后出现黄胆,不得不接受输血和血液透析。
- Mr. Tatsuo Yamashita, the new General Manager of Business Department No.4, has moved here from our Purchasing Division. 我们相信上述的组织变更将有助于我们在各个方面更好地为客户服务.
- K. Wasa, M. Kitabatake, H. Adachi and Makoto, Thin film materials technology: Sputtering of compound materials, William Andrew, 2004. 国家实验研究院,真空技术与应用,仪器科技研究中心出版,2004年。
- By comparing the physical natures of the Adachi, Forouhi-Bloomer, and Tauc-Lorentz models, we propose a Tauc- Lorentz-Urbach (TLU) model with inclusion the Urbach tail. 结合该反射谱公式,我们比较了Adachi模型、Forouhi-Bloomer模型和Tauc-Lorentz模型的内在特点,并提出了一个包含Urbach带尾在内的Tauc-Lorentz-Urbach (TLU)模型。
- Tomikawa Y, Adachi K, Aoyagi M, et al.Some constructions and CHARAceristics of rod type pie-zoelectric ultrasonic cmotors using longitudinal and torsional vibrations. 万平英;黄明军;周铁英.;扭纵复合驻波超声马达驱动相位的研究
- Ichiro ADACHI,Shigemi SAKODA,Teruo YAHIRO.An Experimental Study of the Treatment of Construction Joints in Concrete Structures Using Water Jet Method,4th PRICWJT 1995. 于跃海.;分形及分数维理论在新老混凝土粘结机理研究中的应用[D]
- We see a sharp decline in exports, which puts Japan in a bad situation, because exports are falling everywhere," said Seiji Adachi, senior economist at Deutsche Securities. 我们看到了出口的急剧下降,这使日本在糟糕的情况,因为出口下降无处不在,”安达诚司称,德意志证券经济分析师。
- Japanese scholars Oda Tatsuo, Isoba Akira and Nakano Miyoko, etc. have made some pioneering research on who finalized the manuscript of Journey to the West and whether the novel was related to the teachings and Taoist priests of Quanzhen. 摘要日本学者太田辰夫、矶部彰和中野美代子等,在探求《西游记》定稿人与全真教教义及其道士的关系方面,进行了许多开拓性的研究。
- Tatsuo Mori, an engineering and computer science professor at Nagoya University, said some hurdles remained, including making the display bigger, ensuring durability and cutting costs. 名古屋(日本本州岛中南岸港市)大学的工程和计算机科学教授说,当前仍然有一些困难需要克服,包括把显示器尺寸做得更大,保证耐用性和降低成本。
- Hirata Y, Adachi K, Kiuchi K. 孔祥锋;陈婉蓉;倪兵;等.
- Adachi N, Kanemoto K, Muramatsu R, et al.E Intellectual prognosis of status epilepticus in adult epilepsy patients:analysis with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-revised[J].Epilepsia, 2005, 46(9):1502. 王湘庆,郎森阳,毛燕玲,等.;癫痫患者认知功能损害及其影响因素分析[J]
- Adachi N,Kanemoto K,Muramatsu R,et al.E Intellectual prognosis of status epilepticus in adult epilepsy patients:analysis with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-revised[J].Epilepsia, 2005,46(9):1502. 王湘庆,郎森阳,毛燕玲,等.;癫痫患者认知功能损害及其影响因素分析[J]
- Adachi, Y. ; Ohno, N. ; Ohsawa, M. ; Oikawa, S. ; Yadomae, T. : 網站”培基免疫革新網”,千禧龍國際生物科技股份有限公司網頁。
- 7 Yasuda K, Adachi Y, Shiraishi N, Yamaguchi K, Hirabayashi Y, Kitano S. Pattern of lymph node micrometastasis and 6卿三华.;结、直肠癌临床病理分期系统及其临床意义
- “The level [of exports] is still low but the rebound from the bottom is very strong,” Mr Adachi said. 正道安达表示:“(出口)水平仍然较低,但从底部反弹的势头非常强劲。”
- Adachi's patients include a 55-year-old woman who had to undergo blood transfusion and dialysis due to jaundice induced by the weight loss drug 足立的病人包括一名五十五岁的妇人,她在服用这种减肥药后出现黄胆,不得不接受输血和血液透析。