- AdHoc GROUP on FOOD Safety 另外新近成立了食品安全性特别小组
- We conduct risk assessment on food safety, set food standards and recommend food safety control measures. 本署就食物安全进行风险评估,厘定食物安全标准,并建议食物安全管制的措施。
- Food Safety, Consumers, Market Structure and Policy Issues on Food with New Traits - A Multi-country Comparison. 食品安全,消费者,市场结构与新食品政策问题-多国间的比较。
- What are the impacts of rapidly development of supermarket on Food Safety in China? 超市的迅速发展对中国食品安全有什么样的影响?
- Through which channel do you get to know the work of the Government on food safety? 你系透过边途径认识政府对食物安全所做工作呢?
- In view of this situation, the experiment study was conducted on the effect of formaldehyde on food safety of turbot. 主要通过测定用药后不同时间大菱鲆体内的甲醛残留量,探索甲醛在大菱鲆可食部分中的残留状况。
- Establish effective training programs on food safety and hygiene to veteran and new employees. 建立和完善对新老员工定期的卫生和食品安全的培训。
- This lecture tour represents MSU's continuing cooperation with Chinese institutions on food safety research. 这次的出行代表了密西根州立大学与中国公共机构在食品安全研究方面的不懈合作。
- The Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene has been set up to give advice and to monitor the Government's work in food safety and environmental hygiene. 此外,政府亦成立了食物及环境卫生谘询委员会,就食物安全和环境卫生事宜,向政府提供意见和监察有关工作。
- On food safety and environmental hygiene, a new Environment and Food Bureau will be set up to oversee all the related functions. 新的环境食物局将会成立,负责监督各项与食物安全和环境卫生有关的工作。
- On food safety and environmental hygiene,a new Environment and Food Bureau will be set up to oversee all the related functions. 新的环境食物局将会成立,负责监督各项与食物安全和环境卫生有关的工作。
- A Food Safety Seminar is held for the food trade on the need for continuous improvement and collaboration with the trade on food safety. 为食物业举办食物安全研讨会,鼓励业界继续与政府合作,改善食物安全。
- Both parties had a pleasant discussion on cooperation under Small Farmer Project and exchanged views on food safety issues in the two countries. 双方就小农户项目下的合作进行了愉快地讨论,并就两国食品安全问题交换了意见。
- The Study on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Barbecued Meat is reported to the LegCo Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene. 向立法会食物安全及环境衞生事务委员会汇报有关烧烤肉类含多环芳香族碳氢化合物的研究结果。
- L. A. BOYS is the guest group on MTV last Saturday.l. a
- Salt has a preservative effect on food. 盐对食物有防腐作用。
- The local health office has traced and recalled the suspect cans of locally produced bamboo shoots and is providing public education on food safety. 地方卫生局已追踪并召回可疑的当地生产的竹笋罐头,并且正在就食品安全开展公众教育。
- WGTDF Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance. 贸易、债务和金融工作组文件。
- The mission of the Institute of Food Research is to carry out independent basic and strategic research on food safety, quality, nutrition and health. 英国食品研究所在食品安全、食品质量、营养和健康领域从事着独立的基础性战略研究。
- A parent group on a data region group. 数据区域组中的父组。